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RE: MAJOR blow to the Covid Vaccine narrative: AstraZeneca jab HALTED in Canada for risk of Blood Clots!

in #news4 years ago

I think it is being done by force to a small number of people already, and yes, I think that will increase. But force will be seen as a last-ditch effort and only used when everything else has failed. They really want us to take it voluntarily, but they're okay using all kinds of coercion and threats to make it happen. Imagine a predator trying to seduce a young girl this way? Nobody would put up with that. But for some reason we're okay when it's the pharmaceutical corporations doing it to the common person.


Yeah, but the good news is, people are really starting to wake up in a big way. Things are about to happen!

There is so much deception and outright lies around all of it. It's sickening.