Newcomers quick guide to news updates

in #news7 years ago

Just figured I'd throw together a few sources that I personally use when looking for news in the cryptocurrency world.

1.) Cointelegraph


2.) Coindesk


3.) YouTube

4.) Reddit/homepage

  • For specific announcements for a coin it is always a good idea to check their reddit or homepage

And if you're bored and want to play an style MMO game that rewards you in a little satoshi based on skill - Interactive Bitcoin Game
My referal link is in the banner but you don't have to use it. You can just as easily go to and play without registering.I'm not going to lie, it's addicting.

Keep in mind, these are just the main places I go to when I want the news, there are definitely more out there. It's always good to cross reference multiple news outlets to get the real story. Some people on youtube are only there for their own benefit, to get you to buy into something so they can profit.

If anyone wants to help out and add more great news links feel free to do it in the comment section.
