There is so much censorship coming from those nasties on freedom of speech these days it is worth watching. The worse part is that those devices used to censor ship one kind of free speech will be used on all other forms of speech. My thoughts go to those in ther margins of such a society where even your thoughts are ruled with an iron fist. Indoctrination begins in the cradle. It can take a long time for such unfortunates that the whole fabric of that society is bulit on bias and lies. There are loosers an all sides.
There is so much censorship coming from those nasties on freedom of speech these days it is worth watching. The worse part is that those devices used to censor ship one kind of free speech will be used on all other forms of speech. My thoughts go to those in ther margins of such a society where even your thoughts are ruled with an iron fist. Indoctrination begins in the cradle. It can take a long time for such unfortunates that the whole fabric of that society is bulit on bias and lies. There are loosers an all sides.
Ya, Crrow777 said that his contacts told him the specifically adjusted the algorithms to silence dissent on the V event. Stay vigilant.