The AP is reporting that France wants to stop the sale of cars that run on gas and diesel by the year 2040. Like all socialist countries that have progressive environmental goals, I believe they are jumping the gun. One has to assume that they will have to go to straight electric cars, a technology that may or may not be ready for prime time in 2040.
France wants to stop sales of gas and diesel cars by 2040
Since their goals are allegedly environmental, you would think that they missed the recent study by IVL, The Swedish Environmental Institute that has found that the manufacture of batteries for Telsa’s cars produce as much CO2 to manufacture them, as a gas-powered car driven for 8 years.
Study: Tesla Car Battery Production Releases As Much CO2 As 8 Years Of Driving On Gas
Now, I don’t believe in the current “climate change” agenda, and find it laughable that the environmentalists all act like CO2 is some poison gas, even though it’s a necessary component of our environment.
I just don’t feel that these measures will amount to much if they actually get traction, because these “programs” are never free market driven, so they are always subsidized, and any time a program is put into place that has to be subsidized, it’s the taxpayer that foots the bill, while more than often, the politicians that put the measures in place are highly likely to participate in graft and take kickbacks to get their friends and cronies the contracts.
Telsa would not be a company today if it wasn’t for the American Taxpayer that funded the entire company in the name of “green energy.” Still, before a Telsa drives off the lot, it’s produced more CO2 than a Ford F150 with a V8 after 8 years.
Now France is also planning on to shut down all coal fired electric plants by 2023. I’ve read numerous articles regarding the wind farms, and that the windmills don’t last long enough to produce enough energy to even pay for themselves, so I guess they are planning on using Nuclear power, but I doubt they have even thought that far in advance.
France to shut down all coal-fired power plants by 2023
The world is surely going to hell when we let a bunch of politicians that don’t have the first clue about any of the industries they are regulating continue to destroy the economies of the nations of the world, while turning their heads to countries like China & India who have no plans on reducing the use of coal. We will end up with a world where countries like China & India will be able to produce products at a fraction of what they do now, while our manufacturing will continue to fall due to government interference in free commerce.
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