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RE: Santa Fe Shooting, Weiner Unsealed Warrant, Clapper Admits FBI Trump Spying & Elite “Penis Facials”

in #news7 years ago

About that Texas school shooter... I agree that this one looks like a real incident going by the evidence I have witnessed so far. He did not use the standard psy-op shooter kit, an AR15 along with a 9mm Glock. The media is a significant part of the cause of this latest shooting via the Werther Effect. The media sensationalized the shit out of the Vegas and Parkland shootings and similar events should have been expected as a result.

I find it funny that the media is emphasizing the Nazi insignias on this asshole's coat when there are no real Nazi symbols to be found in the photo that goes along with the story. He has an Iron Cross on the coat which was originally a German military decoration introduced in the 19th century. It is based on crosses used by knights as far back as the 13th century. The Nazis may have tainted it but it is not really a Nazi symbol. I see no swastikas, SS runes or black sun insignia. In fact, if you actually look at the photo, he has a COMMUNIST hammer and sickle, an imperialist Japanese rising sun, a satanic Baphomet and a Lovecraftian Cthulhu. Did he carry out this shooting to advance Leninist social justice? Japanese supremacy? A sacrifice to Satan, perhaps? Did he carry out this shooting to awaken the Great Old Ones?


After seeing more evidence, I am not so sure this was a real incident. I have watched a few interviews now with people doing the tired old ugly cry face + no tears + rubbing dry eyes routine. Also, a boy named Rome Schubert was shot in the head during the shooting event. Apparently, he was shot through the back of the head (presumably with a 38 cal round) in such a way as to not cause any critical damage. He was taken to the hospital, patched up with two gauze pads — one taped to his neck and the other taped to his HAIR on the back of his head (which was not shaved at all) — and released the same day. He attended the big Santa Fe HS baseball game the next day along with another boy who was supposedly grazed by a bullet.