Nick Brana worked inside the Democratic party for more than a decade. He knows the machine like few others do, and that's precisely why he's now pushing for real change outside of the party, while engaging with folks on the importance of doing the same.
One must keep in mind that the DNC and the DCCC are not affiliated with any part of our Government. Interesting since a Dem Senator sits as the head of the DNC. That makes sense,though, as the DNC stands for Democratic National CRIMINALS and the DCCC actually stands for Democratic Career Criminal Commission. The operative Word in both are CRIMINAL as is evidenced by their individual actions.. Neither association has the citizenries good will at its core, they are only out for themselves and how much money they can make under the tab le from their corporate sponsors. Yeah, they will screw us over in 2020, Biden will win the slot and millions will not bother to write in his name again. This all rolls back to the way the citizens take their own responsibility for their own actions. "Don't vote=drumpf for pres, again"