North Korea launches Second Missile Over Japan
In rejection of tough new U.N. sanctions, North Korea fired another missile over Hokkaido, Japan, that flew about 3,700 kilometers before falling in the Pacific Ocean on Friday. This is the second such launch in just over two weeks in Japan's airspace.
On Monday, the U.N. Security Council passed tough, new sanctions, including a ban on textile exports and on shipments of oil products.
It's obvious that sanctions are not working so what are the option? Russia has said that nOrth Korea is interested in direct talks with the U.S but the U.S. may not be willing to talk now. The U.S.also recently said that if North Korea threatens them or any of their allies, there would be a huge military response. After North Korea threatened yesterday, to sink Japan, there has been ro retaliation from the U.S.
Bomb Alert Siren Japan 9/15/17
In rejection of tough new U.N. sanctions, North Korea fired another missile over Hokkaido, Japan, that flew about 3,700 kilometers before falling in the Pacific Ocean on Friday. This is the second such launch in just over two weeks in Japan's airspace.
On Monday, the U.N. Security Council passed tough, new sanctions, including a ban on textile exports and on shipments of oil products.
It's obvious that sanctions are not working so what are the option? Russia has said that nOrth Korea is interested in direct talks with the U.S but the U.S. may not be willing to talk now. The U.S.also recently said that if North Korea threatens them or any of their allies, there would be a huge military response. After North Korea threatened yesterday, to sink Japan, there has been ro retaliation from the U.S.