hi M,
interesting article :D
I love Dr. Mora's thoughts on education though I only agree on half of this
"Neuroeducation: you can only learn what you love".
I believe that every student CAN learn everything specially if they also think they CAN. Sometimes, they even think they can't at first but if the teacher understands this , the teacher could turn that around for the student to think otherwise by making the class lovable or at least satisfying if not fun at first.
I do think though that when a student FEELS bad, disappointed, scared, frustrated, bored specially angry - then the brain actually stops learning and am not the only one who thinks so. Indeed our emotions could get the best of us at everything not just in learning. I don't remember who told me this once
"control your emotions and you can be in control of all aspects in your life as well".
The teachers play a very important role in the classroom imho and unfortunately if I may say so most of the schools here is still using the very obsolete method. Where I came from we are just there to guide, the students get to learn something through play and activities where in they have more chances of participating and do a hands on to finally get to understand what they really need to learn, learn it and have a higher retention because of that unforgettable "ahha" moment they had when they were studying whatever concept was being thought. Unfortunately, though many teachers here are fans of "The Dead Poet Society" they must be 'not brave enough" to go around the system if not against. :D
best wishes with your classes and I hope you're warm enough for the fest
Take care,
Ivy ^ ^