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RE: Asgard and Archaea

in #news2 years ago

and Plato's observation that all he knew is that he knew nothing is a very good mechanism for rejecting our intrinsic biases.

That phrase is attributed to Socrates :)

Interesting post. Note that depending on your audience you will be questioned from time to time if your claims about biology are "too mainstream" or contradict hypotheses like that our DNA comes from reptilians on the moon.


That phrase is attributed to Socrates

You are correct, and my recollection is again shown to be faulty. I appreciate the correction.

"...our DNA comes from reptilians on the moon."

Gasp! And here I thought that all terrestrial life is directly descended from the primordial living cell through an unbroken chain of living cells that show strong evidence of their mutual relation in shared genetic components.
