Most Pedophile Alerts Are False Alarms, If Not Scams

in #news11 months ago (edited)

BestGraphics_Com is the creator of this image/Source:  Pixabay

1. Pedophile Alerts In E-Mails

Have you ever received one of those annoying e-mails that show "Pedophile Alert" as the subject? Well, don't respond to them or have anything to do with them. They're trying to get your personal information. They're not sending you an e-mail to save the children of the world from the clutches of evil. Deb Belt published an article about it on the Internet.

If you get an e-mail that has "Pedophile Alert" as the subject, delete it. The people sending it are aware of all the moral panics going on throughout the United States of America, and they want to cash in on it all. We can thank all the child-advocate extremists and pedophile-panic fanatics for that. They'd deserve for one of these scam artists to rip them off.

2. Fake Pedophile Alerts Vs. Real Pedophile Alerts

I'm not denying that some pedophile alerts are true and genuine. Below is a video of a real pedophile alert.

Nancy Grace Describes An Incident Involving A Pedophile Alert In Seattle

The people described in the above video who subdued the child molester and kept him near the scene of the crime long enough for the police to arrest him had to do what they had to do. The monster tried to kidnap a 6-year-old girl off of a playground, and these people stopped him. End of story.

It's the fake pedophile alerts that infuriate me. They are merely for the purpose of harassing individuals who have nothing to do with sex crimes against children.

Once upon a time there was a YouTuber named David. I'm going to call him David for the purpose of this article here of mine. David was watching a video of a Russian teenage girl walking around a pool in a bikini. David didn't know how old she really was, but it was clear that she was not a prepubescent child and that she was well beyond Tanner Stage 1.

David posted in her comments section and complimented how beautiful she looked. Then out of the blue, this semi-illiterate pedophile-panic fanatic who went by the user name of "CurlyKayla" or something like that pedo-shamed David in a mendacious manner in a reply to him. If you don't know what mendacious pedo-shaming is, read my article titled "What Is Mendacious Pedo-Shaming?"

This CurlyKayla was another mentally unhinged head case who was only looking to pick a fight with David. She wasn't concerned about the Russian teenage girl in the video. Did she honestly believe that David was going to fly around the world to attack this girl? She didn't even know which nation David was residing in.

YouTuber CurlyKayla was merely another semi-illiterate freak show who didn't know the actual definition of a pedophile that appears in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5"), because she was probably too stupid to have ever read it in her life. Her profile picture was a real beauty. Instead of putting her own face in her avatar, she used a cartoon figure of an orange-looking biracial woman with unusually fat lips.

Now, if I were a biracial woman, I would want my viewers to believe that I looked like someone attractive like Mariah Carey or Halle Berry. Then again, this CurlyKayla was probably such a gargoyle that she was too embarrassed to use a real photograph of herself. In any event, her reply to David was defamation of character at best.

It wasn't as though she could simply pull out her pedophile wand and magically change David into a child molester or the likes. This woman had some serious issues.

Nevertheless, David tried to clarify to her that he was merely complimenting the Russian teenage girl in the video. However, YouTuber CurlyKayla insisted that he was a pedophile and typed "Pedophile Alert!" in her next reply in the comments section. My question is, "What was she doing, watching that video?" For all David knew, she could have been a lesbian looking to gawk at any young girl in a bikini.

I'm not trying to say that being a lesbian would have made her a bad person. However, somehow I don't believe that she really had very much moral high ground to go accusing David of anything if she truly believed in all of the pedophile-panic propaganda that she was spewing at him.

Now, I don't want to present myself as a bigot either. However, this woman clearly has some kind of inferiority complex connected with the fact that she viewed herself as being torn between two different races. She obviously was looking to take her frustrations out on someone and misuse a myriad of falsehoods to justify them.

Another YouTuber tried to reason with YouTuber CurlyKayla and commented about the Russian teenage girl that, "You have to admit that she is a 10." Of course, YouTuber CurlyKayla never responded back to him. I guess she didn't like being outnumbered two to one on a discussion thread.

David finally did the smart thing and sniped back at YouTuber CurlyKayla in his reply. Then he blocked her. I mean, why would he want to have any further communication with her? It's not as though he would want to date her. Of course, she probably wasn't datable for any young man, and it made her green with envy that a Russian teenage girl could elicit more male attention than she could.

At the end of the day, I don't see how what YouTuber CurlyKayla stated to David in her reply was any different from anyone using the "N" word at her or any other racial slur. She was falsely accusing him of being something that he was not insofar as she offended him and slandered him.

If YouTuber CurlyKayla were standing directly in front of him in person, I would not have blamed him if he had punched her in the face. Then, of course, she likely would whined that she was a woman and that he couldn't hit her. Well, she certainly didn't behave like a woman with him when she mendaciously pedo-shamed him. She was just another stupid pedophile-panic fanatic who thought she knew more than David did. She couldn't even get the definition of pedophilia right.

I remember this one other woman stating in a comments section of a video on YouTube that most adult men who watch these Russian teenage girls in videos probably claim they are only 15 years old in their posts to get others to leave them alone. If they do, who can rightfully blame them for doing so? Too many Americans seem to obsess over turning our society into some kind of make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection.

Anyhow, getting back to the subject of YouTuber CurlyKayla, I recently attempted to look her account up on YouTube. There was one woman who went by a similar name as that, and she used a real photograph of herself rather than a cartoon image in her avatar. However, I doubt that it was her. David told me that he vaguely recalls that she had no videos posted on her channel. Also, the above-described incident between David and this woman happened 6 or 7 years ago more or less.

YouTuber CurlyKayla was yet another stupid pedophile-panic fanatic who was unable to differentiate between a toddler and a teenager. She is so obsessed with pedophilia that she likely eats, showers, and defecates with pedophiles in her twisted mind.

I would also not doubt that YouTuber CurlyKayla is a men-hating femi-Nazi as well. Those kind want everyone to believe that they are out to save the young girls of the world, when fact has it that they are so envious of teenage girls' beauty that it makes them go over the edge. What makes these women so dangerous is that they have low self-esteem and, at the same time, they have a God complex, if that makes any sense to you.

3. No Pedophile Alerts Needed Here

Now, to anybody who wishes to question my line of reasoning and make a stink about whether or not adult men should be watching videos of Russian teenage girls, allow me to spell it all out to you. Whenever American men travel to the Russian Federation and they're out there in public, it is likely that most of the young women 18 years old and up are wearing wedding rings. So what is an American adult man to do if he's searching for a wife?

At this current moment, it is probably not safe for Americans to travel to the Russian Federation because of the war raging between that nation and Ukraine. However, eventually that war is going to wind down and come to an end, and American men will start vacationing there again; and when they do, they're each likely going to be searching for a wife.

In some provinces of the Russian Federation, a girl can get married as young as 14 years of age. In any event, allow me to show you that Russian teenage girls are not children. They are young women and should be viewed as such.

Below is a video of a 15-year-old Russian girl who goes by the user name of "stviksa." At a certain point in the video (3:13 to be exact), she and her best friend are at a pool, and they are wearing bikinis that reveal that they have not been little girls for some time now. I don't know how old YouTuber stviska's best friend is, but I imagine that she is somewhere between 14 and 16 years old.

Two Russian Teenage Girls Here Are Perfect In Their Bodily Beauty

Not only do the two teenage girls in the above video have the perfect womanish figures, but they are unafraid to flaunt off their bodily beauty as you see them walk around the pool and swim inside the pool. Their bathing suits are even designed to show enough of their anatomy for their audience to realize that they're full-figured women rather than little girls who still frequent the playground.

No American adult man of any age has anything to be ashamed of whenever he watches a video like the one above. There are no viewing restrictions for any of these videos on YouTube. It doesn't make an adult man become like the one that Nancy Grace described in her video further back herein.

It is clear that YouTuber stviksa has a mother who raised her to become a real woman who will someday make a good wife and a good mother. You only have to observe the feminine attributes of this girl in her video below.

Stviksa Has All The Social Graces A Woman Should Have.

Every boy and man would hold the door open for this girl in a public place. She is her mother's daughter, and I mean so in a positive light. She's more sophisticated than a number of 20-something-year-old women I know.

Feminine beauty simply cannot be overlooked, even when such admiration goes into conflict with societal norms. Adolescent girls should not remain invisible to men of any age.

Serhiy Lvivsky is the author of this photograph/Source:

4. Final Thoughts

So many years ago, there used to be a tabloid talk show called The Jane Whitney Show that was filmed in Boston, Massachusetts. One edition of that show focused on American men finding wives in the Russian Federation. On the panel for that particular edition, an American man in his late fifties had his arm wrapped around his 23-year-old pregnant Russian wife.

Ms. Whitney even held a marriage ceremony on her show between an American man and a young Russian bride. Back when this same edition of that show broadcasted, the American men expressed a concern that the United States of America had a shortage of eligible, desirable bachelorettes. Therefore, American men were starting to travel to the Russian Federation in search of a wife.

The landscape for finding a Russian bride has changed somewhat through the years. The Russian Federation does not currently have as many desirable bachelorettes over 18 years of age as it used to have. However, there still appears to be plenty of high-school age girls in that nation that wish to get married and immigrate to the United States.

American men? If you someday travel to the Russian Federation and meet the 17-, 16-, 15-, and even 14-year-old love of your life, do not hestitate to marry her regardless of what any American hags have to say about it. If she loves you and you love her, you both have the right to be together in spite of your age difference.

Don't let any fake pedophile alerts scare you from bringing a teenage Russian bride back to the United States. If you and a teenage Russian girl wish to share your lives together, then go for it.

Do I believe that age is just a number? I believe that pedophile-panic fanatics are just stupid people who need to get a life. I believe that men-hating femi-Nazis are just bitter, old hags. I believe that American societal norms regarding age difference and power dynamics are just inventions of elitist swine.

Decide your own life. Don't allow others to decide it for you.

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