I published that HubPages article on the evening of September 13, 2020, and over the past two days, I've gotten 132 views on it. I guess I must have done something right with that article. I was scared that their review board would not even allow for it to be published because of its strongly controversial content. They were taking forever to make a decision on whether to allow for it to be published, but somehow it got through and they allowed it. I really hope that it is a big moneymaker for me. If I hit a 1000 views on it, then I know that something good has to come out of it. If I don't make one dime on it, at least many people will have read it and become enlightened from doing so.
Hey, naglfar94? One thing that I have noticed that has been happening ever since you came over here from Steemit is that whenever you upvote any of my articles or posts, your upvotes show up on them in my Hiveblocks report, but they don't show up on them on my Hive-blog channel or my PEAKD channel. Do you know of anyone else who has been having this same problem here on the Hive blockchain?
"Antisocialist" and "Crimsonclad" both have been working with me to remedy this problem. You may notice in your account that you have 50 extra Resource Credits than what you had before. That is because "Crimsonclad" went ahead and temporarily delegated 50 extra Resource Credits to you so that she could see whether doing so will clear up the problem with your upvotes not showing up on my Hive-blog channel or my PEAKD channel whenever you upvote my posts and articles on them. What is so bizarre about it all is that it was never a problem on my Steemit channel or my STEAMPEAK channel when I was more active there.
Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know what was going on in case you were wondering why an additional 50 Resource Credits had appeared on your account. "Antisocialist" consulted with other technical people on the Hive blockchain and they believed that it was connected with your HP level, so what "Crimsonclad" did addressed the problem directly.