
Yeah I be in there sometimes so now ya got me.

Cool. Hey, naglfar94? Have you had the chance to read my latest article about California Senate Bill 145? I just published it today. I also published two other articles today on my PEAKD channel, but, unlike the first one, they are more technical than news-related. I guess you could say that I've been in a productive mood today. LOL!

Hey Epic! I heard that you have a Discord account, is it possible you can add me there? TOR made a new video on me just now and you will need to see what he said this time. Its a 33 minute video he did so take your time watching it. My Discord account is Red Denox#6099 incase you want to add me and talk more about the matter. Do you also have a YouTube channel too? I will do what I can to report this guy and send his case to the legal system, I am done falling for his shenanigans. I need to move on from this. I can also use your guidance cause you seem very knowledgeable about this topic.

Epic? Nahh, I'm Spaceship Captain (a.k.a. epicenterdefacto). Yeah, I do have a Discord account. I've been working with "antisocialist" in Discord on adding a new search feature on my Hive-Blog and PEAKD channels, because the one I have doesn't work at all on my PEAKD channel.

I did watch TOR's new video last night on YouTube on my television set. He flashed messages across his screen way too quickly for me to catch them; and whenever I froze the screen, other things that come up such as thumbnails whenever I do so blocked these messages. Therefore, I will have to watch it again on my laptop so that I can freeze my computer screen and read what those messages say.

Yeah, once I get that whole thing squared away with "antisocialist" regarding a new search feature, I'll go ahead and shoot you and Naglfar94 a direct message each on Discord. I use the same avatar of an astronaut on it that I do here on the Hive blockchain and on the Steem blockchain.

I do have a YouTube channel, but it is not one where my identity is completely anonymous like it is here on the Hive blockchain. I have videos on them that show my face; and I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful or anything of the such, but I'd prefer to keep my YouTube channel separate from all of my activities here on the Hive blockchain and the likes.

I could probably post another article about TOR to ruffle his feathers here on the Hive blockchain. However, my concern is that this man is so beyond obsessed with you that I cannot stress more now than ever that you retain an attorney to deal with him. I also don't want to sound as though I am preaching at you. However, I think that you should lay low as much as possible until you get an attorney to make this looney tune go away, because it appears that what he is trying to do is to find a way to get you to do and say things that you would not normally say or do online under regular circumstances. In other words, avoid any online exchange of communications with any females regardless of how old or young they are until you have the opportunity to consult with an attorney so that he can take charge of the situation and advise you on what the right thing is for you to do.

I have some knowledge on this subject matter, but I do not have a law degree; and only a skilled litigator can ensure that all of your rights are protected. In any event, I didn't come across anything in the chat thread TOR presented in his video of him in his guise as "Just Jodie" in which you strayed beyond the legal confines of constitutionally protected speech, and that is a good thing. However, it's as though he is looking to dig up dirt on you regardless of whether or not there is any dirt for him to dig up on you at all.

It's all so scary when I think of what this man is capable of. I thought for sure that he was going to badmouth me in his video about you, but either he hasn't read my article about him here on the Hive blockchain or he simply is not interested in anything I have to say about him. I would think that he would have had something to say about my article about him, because I know that I really laid into him and made him look like a yo-yo to the whole world. However, if he wishes to take that attitude, then that's okay for him to be that way, because I'm not going away and I will call him out on his misconduct again and again if I have to. He knows how to get knee-jerk reactions out of his fan base, but it doesn't make him the next Albert Einstein as he seems to believe. He thinks that he has a doctorate in psychiatry and a Ph.D in criminal psychology, and the guy is a borderline illiterate and a suspected high-school drop-out in my book of logic.

Be patient with me, Hector, because I've been super busy with a lot of things lately. However, I may be doing up an article about TOR's latest video sometime in the not-so-distant future. I'd rather wait to compose it until after you publish your response article to his videos, on your Hive-Blog channel.

Hector? I've actually written up a rough draft of an article that I would like to post here on the Hive blockchain in response to TOR's latest video. Is there anything that you definitely want me to include in it before I post it? Naglfar94 informed me that TOR violated community guidelines on one of the Internet platforms when he impersonated "Just Jodie," but I'm not sure which platform it was. I'm going to mention about that incident, but I needed for you to let me know if there was something additional about it that I needed to know before I post my article. Also, if there is something that you do not want me to say in the article, let me know and I will leave it out.

Hector? I tried to reach you on Discord, but for some reason or another, the search feature does not bring up your name or account. I'm not very versed in using online chat rooms. Therefore, what I'll have to do is wait until you respond to this post. I've got the article about TOR's latest video about you ready to download. All I need is for you to give me the go-ahead and I'll do it.

Can you give me your Discord Username with the numbers? I will see if I can find you then. And wow! You already made a new article on TOR's newest vid? Yeah please! Would love to read it. :D Later next week I may do a short article clearing what happened with Jodie and the crimes he accused me of xD After that, I may seek some legal advice just incase. Btw sorry I responded late, been pretty busy and would like to respond you with a good detailed replied if possible. Hope you are doing well. If you are into gaming of some sort or Among Us, I can send you an invite link to my gaming discord server too.

Yeah, Hector. On Discord, I am Spaceship Captain #2108. Also, I wanted to let you know that I published my article about TOR's latest video about you. My article is titled "YouTuber The Over Reactor Is Promoting Fake Pedophilia." Let me know what you think about it in its comments section.😁