Ladies and gentlemen? You may have noticed how a number of videos that I have embedded in my above article have the following message:
[Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.]
Since the last time that I posted in this comments section, the names of the two additional YouTube channels that have been terminated belong to Predator Catchers Alliance and Predator Poachers. Let's hope that we see more of these types of YouTube channels terminated, because these online vigilantes are doing more harm than good to communities throughout North America. That is, if they're doing any good at all. The statutory ages of consent in the United States of America and Canada are way too high.
I don't favor the complete elimination of the statutory-age-of-consent laws, but lawmakers should at least revamp these laws so that we don't have situations in which sexually active teenagers are constantly at odds with people in our criminal justice system. Now, at the same time, I am not encouraging any 12-, 13-, 14-, 15-, or 16-year-old girl to actively seek out sexual relationships with older men. If girls this age prefer to have a boyfriend the same age as them, then so be it. I'm also not mindless of the law. In any event, different strokes for different folks.