I haven't witnessed so much fuss over a controversial film of this nature since the time that Coyote Ugly was released over two decades ago. If Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing was never born and he had, therefore, never had the opportunity to conceptualize pedophilia in 1886, I always wonder how much better of a world we'd be living in right now. Shady psychiatrists ruined it for everyone. The irony of it all is that if the young girl over 11 years of age was in Tanner Stage 2 or beyond when she showed her bare breast in Cuties, then no pedophilia was involved. Moreover, these actresses were really in their teens. The diagnosis and concept of pedophilia has gradually become an anachronism that has long outlived its purpose. And to think that there are people who actually believe that teenage marriage is an anachronism.
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