What a thoughtful comment. Thanks for it, @rocking-dave. I appreciate your openness to others. 🌺
One of my most influential teachers (via media) was Joseph Campbell. He said, "The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek." I sometimes test this out. Listening to white nationalists is one, rather easy, way... but it's a start.
Thank you for your reply! :)
Engaging with the other side, doing difficult things and expanding your horizons is important and rewarding but we should also keep in mind that we can't really enter every cave and while some scary or repulsive cave might hold treasures, some don't and it is OK to only enter the cave is want or decide to. But I agree, challenging yourself in the more general sense is one of the things that help us grow the most as people.
Sometimes, it is an ALL IN kinda thing. And sometimes, not. Wisdom is knowing when to sit, and when to stand, I 'spose.Y'know, @rocking-dave... somehow it never occurs to me that people need to be encouraged to do less. I appreciate your point! And also think complacency and mediocrity has become the norm, because "balance" gets a little too much celebration, in my opinion.
Very well said. :) And you are right, balance is often a logical fallacy. We don't need balanced views, we need the correct views ;)