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RE: Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)

in #news7 years ago

Yeah, I remember that one! I just saw someone who watches Faux Snooze, watching Faux Snooze and they were babbling on the Program about Trumpity Trump and how he's doing 'whatever' against gun rights, and blah blah (cuz I saw it coming a long time ago)... and I said to the person that there was all kinds of evidence that it was either a hoax or a false flag all over the internet... (I knew the person was not going to get past the mercury filled flouride stare , but I did it anyway just because...) The person says to me "I think it's pretty scary how you can just read something on the internet and believe it!" ROFL SMH. Yep the only people I know who 'get' it are pretty much ON the internet...

Keep sharing maybe it will help wake up some more people! Fingers crossed!