Right now I'm still tying in wallet functionality as well as fortifying the site.
If you'd like to come check out the early alpha version though shoot me a PM on steemit.chat and I'll hook you up with a link. it's still VERY rough around the edges.. certain buttons crash the whole server.. others don't have their functionalty built or linked yet.
You however can make an account. grab the 1.337 fake STEEM faucet and come roll a few times for fun if you like. But it's not polished nor to be taken as anything near what the finished site will be. :)
I'm looking into implementing one on http://steem.global in the next few days actually.. :)
Great. Take me as a beta tester, please. And referrer / promoter, of course :)
Right now I'm still tying in wallet functionality as well as fortifying the site.
If you'd like to come check out the early alpha version though shoot me a PM on steemit.chat and I'll hook you up with a link. it's still VERY rough around the edges.. certain buttons crash the whole server.. others don't have their functionalty built or linked yet.
You however can make an account. grab the 1.337 fake STEEM faucet and come roll a few times for fun if you like. But it's not polished nor to be taken as anything near what the finished site will be. :)