
chimps use rudimentary technologies- it doesn't define who they are - they are still chimps - if you took away their ' poking down holes, sticks' - they would still be chimps

that is debateable
chimps have a very early form of you say.
if they did not have it they would not be chimps..they would be something else.
but we're not talking about chimps
we're speaking of humans...
explain to me what a human with ZERO technology would be like.

To not accept humans beings ,never having a technology is not logical.

  • at some specific point in the dark past, there was this one synaptic jump at a certain point in time that made use of a technology, for the first time.
    It cannot be any other way.
    (- on the assumption we are not including biological attributes like opposable thumbs as a technology).
    I grew up on a farm - and I KNOW, if the climate was congenial, and there was water - human beings could survive without technology. - I could- even today.
    (And I'm sure their knowledge of their environment far outstripped anything I will ever know)

why is it not logical.
why are you not answering my question?
you could NOT survive without is a pre requisit for your existence. consists of EVERYTHING that you acquire after birth.
Can you speak at birth?
Well then...language is a technolgy...that might explain why there are so many languages..they were invented.
That gave us a BIG boost. Writing gave us another big boost.

so tell me again...tell me how you would exist in the wild with not only no language but no understanding of the concept of language?

your definition is different that mine. ( or, or merriam websters)

For practical purpose - I - literally - on my own -if the weather was congenial, and there was water (plants, insects, and, animals) -could survive - 100%
If I could - I'm sure our non technologically friendly ancestors could - and a million time better than myself.

The definition of everything from birth is technology , isn't correct. ( from what i see, and from my personal understanding - maybe just a difference of definitions)

  • in which case - with your definition - we are nothing more than a conglomerate of technologies, and the melding of man machine is just another progression in human evolution?

I think differently than that.

yup...I developed that as a working definition myself.
a human with no technology is a rotting chunk of meat.
we are the product of technology and it is incorporated in us. The more technolgy we assimilate the more human we become..

We have different perspectives on what being human is, I feel.
Your perspective, is nihilistic. (in my opinion).
There is no room for beauty or aesthetics - its all function. I think very differently than that, and getting back to Tolkien, why he perfectly sums up the human v the non human.
Being human is appreciating of beauty, being happy (or sad) - but feeling.
Are you an Ork, deep down? lolo