
That day changed my life forever!

and they probably would have.

I think they did.
some said there were corpses laying in the grass in front of the burning building.
They must have tripped and hit their heads I guess.

They cut their feet on blades of grass while fleeing the scene of freedom.

many of them were shot even the survivors had to recover from gunshot wounds

that's what I thought.
um...wunder who the president was then?

Living not far from where this was taking place, I was in a constant state of disbelief. It was like watching reality TV. It was a circus. Those people were portrayed as non-human. The playing out of the whole thing was surreal.
I don't normally keep malice in my heart, but there's a special place that I keep tucked away for Janet Reno and everyone else who was instrumental in this butchery.

what exactly was it that the Branch Davidians were accused of?
why where they killed.
It was no accident...they were deliberately killed.

Ruby Ridge also comes to mind.

Remember the agent Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi who shot Vicky Weaver was given an award afterward and never convicted of his crimes.

It was just another in a long line of examples that certain elements within the government thought needed to be made. The Davidians had a lot of guns, so a bunch of kids had to be murdered. Randy Weaver had a shotgun that he altered, so his kids and wife had to die.

We should always remember that a mother holding her baby in her arms can look enough like a threat to have a sniper, who couldn't possibly be in danger, put a bullet in her from a nice safe distance.

And I'm firmly on the left end of the political spectrum, not a "Right-Wing Gun Nut." Truth is truth, to hell with idealogy.

"Randy Weaver had a shotgun that he altered, so his kids and wife had to die."

That's not what happened. Agents of the USG tried to get Weaver to inform on his white supremacist neighbors and he refused. They tried to sell him a sawed off shotgun through undercover agents, and when he handled it, they had his prints on it, and charged him.

This all came out in the lawsuit that he won.

He never broke the law.

The government did.

Thanks for setting me straight. It's pretty amazing that the actual truth only makes everything else only slightly more disgusting.

Oh they were certainly deliberately set up and killed- to keep them silent. Waco is a HUGE rabbit hole.

It's talk like that which makes you look like your trying to shoot a cop.
Get 'er!!!

Wasn't Lon Horiuchi at Waco, as well as Ruby Ridge?

That earns him a double hell, in my book.

Are you trying to find trouble?
Because that's how you find trouble.

Yeah. I find it alla time.

The FBI said, "The just didn't love their children enough"
I will never forget or forgive them for that.
Have you ever seen someone killed from cyanide poisoning? It warps and racks the body as all the muscles contract, often pulling the spine apart.


I haven't forgotten what the FBI did either.
and no one was held accountable for it.
I suspect it was some of the same gang that's in the news now.

Hmm, cyanide gas... they must've been really committed to the cause! No one puts their kids through that unless they're really having fun with all that evil!!

I am sorry, I thought all in here knew the story.

The FBI pumped gallons of tear gas into the building.
This substance, when dried was highly flammable and when burned produced cyanide gas.
The FBI then set it all on fire.

The picture is of one of the children that was hiding in a deep bunker.

Get outa here with your facts and your truth!!

Yeah, no, anyone who has any familiarity with these chemicals knows that these people, these kids, were murdered.