Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry... ADLs latest attack on #FREEDOMOFSPEECH is a pathetic attempt to label anything pro white, Trump, conspiratorial or pro 1st and 2nd Amendment as HATE SPEECH... How low will they go?
The Online Hate Index (OHI), a joint initiative of ADL’s Center for Technology and Society and UC Berkeley’s D-Lab, is designed to transform human understanding of hate speech via machine learning into a scalable tool that can be deployed on internet content to discover the scope and spread of online hate speech.
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Fake News Report TERMINATED BY SCROOGLE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwHU9a4Sgq0mTxPBFd01fdw
New World Agenda TERMINATED BY SCROOGLE (main channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3xHAfZZqbMMWjc1ed1ajow
Supreme Lord Commander: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCABsCi4KoMTp9VcwEG7_pyA
Free Radio Revolution Revival TERMINATED BY SCROOGLE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl-03iQuVIb66oZDMCvFAzA
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End AIPAC, END the problem.
ADL? Adult Diaper Lovers? xD
The ironical thing is that the people who support the current government of the United States (to be more specific Trump as the figurehead) are probably mostly the ones who have the guns and even without Trump in office wouldn't ever get together to use their guns against the criminal government (which completely violates the US constitution in many ways and wages illegal wars abroad in multiple foreign countries), unless the police would knock on their door to put them and their family into a gulag/concentration camp.
Why do i keep having to resubscribe to channels on DTube?
I thought that kind of thing only happened on jootube!
Bloody mole!!!
Thankfully now at least we have steemit, DTube, etc that so far has been kept uncensored!
Seems like we hate many of the same people. Steve the cuck Corbett & Jimmy jackass Kimmel are 2 that I really hate. I don’t watch tv or these people on the internet but I’ve seen clips of their stupidity.
That adl woman is creepy af - why can’t she get that hideous witchy mole removed??
You're a hateful Canadian cunt from hell. I hate licorice too, tastes like poo, they've convinced people to actually pay to eat poo. Here in Australia they have a thing called Vegemite, it's horseshit mixed with cow manure in a jar , but they've convinced some people it's great. The national staple. I hate it with the passion of Christ.
(this is unrelated to the vid) My girlfriend just recently stopped watching a certain youtuber because they were sponsored by a company called Vibe Israel to do a food tour of the country.
You can look into it for yourself but it looks like a group aimed at targeting sell-out YouTubers for the purpose of promoting Israel in a positive light.
I also love how their webpage says they support multiculturalism... The irony xD.