When you need to remove the hamburger menu from your product

in #news7 years ago

One of the most popular interface elements in applications may not always be an appropriate choice. Why is this happening and how to understand that the hamburger menu needs to be replaced?
Many people like a good hamburger, one of the most popular dishes in the world. The hamburger menu in the world of design turned out to be just as popular, and today I want to discuss it with you.

History of the hamburger menu
The Hamburger menu was designed by Norm Cox for Xerox Star, the world's first graphical interface. Norm is co-founder of Cox & Hall and works as a consultant in the design of user experience and interaction since 1982. For the same interface, he created an icon with the document. However, after Xerox Star icon for a while disappeared.

But the hamburger menu rebelled from the dead, when designers had to come up with a way to fit everything you need into a 4-inch screen smartphone. Although it is now impossible to determine which application has started to use this icon first, but it is exactly the hamburger menu that has been in use for many years. Many applications use this navigation, although there are a lot of controversies around the hamburger menu. Even Apple opposes its use.

I watched a performance from one of Apple's UX evangelists named Mike Stern at WWDC 2014, who told why it's not worth using a hamburger in applications. I want to highlight several of his arguments:

"The Hamburger menu is awful, because the menu is not on the screen. Only the menu button is visible. And my experience shows that the developers themselves understand this. "

"Remember that intuitive navigation systems tell you where you are and show you where else you can go."

It was a good performance with a lot of good arguments that will not fit in this article.


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