Hey gang, bad news it seems one of the major infotainment apparatuses that make people think they are cultured and engaged following the world when they are really just wasting the time they have on this planet while the lawless continue their open corruption unimpeded is still squawkin bout the royal wedding as discussed in the CNN article below.
Murca was founded to get rid of divine right and realize a more meritocratic society where the rules are that those who make the best quality goods at the lowest cost advance. Instead of embracing that culture and freedom and dignity, instead the military industrial complex controlled mainstream media continues to be full of trash about elite's personal days.
In Murca they got nearly 1% of us behind bars, many for victimless conduct, but instead of that as news and the lives and loot thrown away into these failed interventions it's more slop about the Royal's. Feeling even more and more like John Carpenter's "They Live" it seems.
And instead of discussing the perpetual wars or even the propaganda and nonsense they want to trick us into deposing Assad to expand territory for chaos and new enemies to help advance Lockheed Martin and Boeing and the whole MIC's stock price time for the sheeple to get their slop of personal interest of elites-- no wonder more and more getting their news from smaller producers and there seems to be decreasing centralization in the voices that make up the public sphere.
So any huh, CNN is such a despicable instiution. In a free world one might suspect that all their physical installations would be burnt to the ground and it's grounds salted like Carthage (after their propagandists leave the building of course, and the property purchased/acquired peacefully and voluntarily for the purposes, perhaps a small modest museum on the grounds to let people know about the major tools that helped continue this madness to control the plebians and reassure the house slaves to continue the system. ). CNN really is a despicable insituttion if you look at it objectively
Why don't these fake newsers cover some real news in the UK like the continued silencing of one of the few actual journalists of our time Julian Assange? The rulers have successfully shut up Julian Assange on Twitter for going on 2 months now. Wikileaks just reveals how the rulers control us like the Murcan military murdering and covering up the murder of AP journalists or how the CIA spies on us from our TVs among other stories the ruler controlled nominal, legacy, news, refuse to accurately cover.
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CNN is very fake news
yes, it is clearly not news
I would argue that this has been going on forever but it is just now getting our attention because nowadays people are much more educated when it comes to detecting the propaganda of the elites. The fact that people are turning more to online smaller producers for their news is a good sign that shows you that the younger generations are becoming smarter.
hopefully, will be interesting how it all plays out
I would argue that point of more educated. People are more brainwashed than ever.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
interesting quote, wonder what he would thinkabout it all
Haa as they say "EVERY DOG WITH ITS OWN DAY" The time will come and we know the truth
tnx for upvote
you welcome glad you liked it
where is this worldheaded
not sure, hopefully we are free someday
Journalism and media is very powerful tool to fight against corruption and it should be properly used
yea said how it is not being used now and they are shutting up people like Assange
You are right I agree with you
yep, what a wonderful world it would be if Assange could be free to publish government data as much as he want.I suspect the world would be more peaceful.
Yes freedom of speech should be apreciated
c'est la vie, hopefully Assange gets his voice back soon at least via twitter!! #Reconnect Assange, #PardonAssangeAndSnowden
Great topic. As it is said the fourth estate. Fake news are easily manipulating the majority of people.
yep hopefully some real 4th estate comes about
nice post
thanks i am pleased that you found utility in it
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Countering the MSM.
thx info, hope the weekend goes well for you
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Media Distractions
Our Purpose
Seriously,,,the media is the problem. If you are ignorant enough to believe in God you are ignorant to believe in anything. The corruption in the MSM and govt would not exist without the slavery of religion!!
cogito ergo sum, hopefully we are free someday