Hey, thanks for the link to this forum although I don't know why you would send me proof that you're full of nonsense. Many of the comments were similar to this one:
"Quote: Originally Posted by MeanginView Post
Hi: I have been searching on the web for quite some time now for Evidence of that so call Bank Note at the back of the Canadian BC. I still haven't found a real evidence that it exists. I certainly don't have it on the back of mine, and neither do my wife or kids. Lot's of people are mentioning it and I think that they are getting it either from Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, David Icke or Robert Menard - but I have been communicating with some of those members and no one can show me an evidence.
Show me a BC's back with this famous CUSIP number and then show me the index on the Stock Market associated with that Bond Security number on Fidelity.com ... That's evidence...if we can't get evidences on researches and measure what we find, it is only empty words. Stop complaining and start digging for proof - that goes for Robert Menard as well. What's your trust number? And if it is in the Currency Revenue Fund and if it is public, why don't you share the proof.
G: There is no bank note on the back. That was the name of the company that printed official documents at that time."
In other words, if the CUSIP number on some birth certificates were indeed tied to some trust, it would be linked to a Bond Security Number on the stock exchange...but it's not. In addition, the so-called "Bank of Canada" note is the name of the company that printed these birth certificates way back when. Just a heads up: I won't be commenting on this post any more so you'll have to find someone else to play with since I don't have the patience needed to deal with conspiracy theorists.
Still at ZERO VOTES,,,,, I even had to vote for you Florintina