Even CDC Now Admits No ‘Gold Standard’ COVID19 Virus Isolate!
Damning CDC document confirms Principia Scientific International claims that there has NEVER been any successful laboratory test to isolate and confirm the existence of the SARS-COV2 virus, alleged to have caused the COVID19 pandemic. In effect, the science tells us there is NO virus!
https://principia-scientific.com/even-cdc-now-admits-no-gold-standard-of-covid19-virus-isolate/NO ONE HAS AN ISOLATED SPECIMEN OF THE #COVID19 VIRUS.
Page 39Document: #CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel dated July 13, 2020.
"The association between 2019-nCoV & the disease has not been verified by animal experiments to fulfil the Koch’s postulates to establish a causative relationship between a micro organism & a disease."
Study of genome sequence, basis for subsequent studies:
A good question has arisen!
Please see the evidence for #EMF overload in parts 2&3 of my series of articles #PlagueOfFear2020 which can be accessed via this link:
Read on (video embedded):
Only Poisoned Monkey Kidney Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’ by Dr Thomas Cowan.
Virologists found that solutions containing #SARSCoV2 even in high amounts were NOT infective to any of the 3 human tissue cultures they tested.
I have had heavy flu, colds, chest infections all my life.
I got one in Spain that floored me for 3 weeks & that was horrific.
When I was studying the history of Chinese herbal medicine I came across a statement that these are essential cleaning functions of the lung channel.
This small eureka moment led me to research deeper and much of my learning has proven priceless recently!
However, I digress.... on with the evidence.
This pdf contains formal responses to FOIA from multiple global health authorities admitting that isolation & purification of #SARSCoV2 samples has never happened.
Go look.
Another collection of proof that #SARSCoV2 has never been correctly isolated & purified.
Go to the heart of virology, vaccination & what vaccination is propped up by – the entirety of virology & vaccine science is predicated on one thing—that viruses are infectious agents that cause disease.
Dr Andrew Kaufman is great at explaining the errors in medicine, even a non-sciencey mind can follow him!
#SARSCoV2 #coronavirus or #exosomes?
Labs use rtPCR to amplify RNA sample from sick person.
They compare result with genome sequence from Wuhan study, Feb 2020.
But that study didn't use pure culture or isolate.
Were Koch's Postulates met?
By any lab anywhere?
Oxford confirm #SARSCoV2 sequence match!
Same in Australia. The #DohertyInstitute apparently isolated the virus, but when tasked with validating tests from China they used a simulation cos they couldn’t find enough patient samples of the virus!
Unfortunately Oxford depended on a shaky foundation when they chose to trust the Chinese study they cite in this paper.
I wonder if any of them read it through to find out how the genome was sequenced?
I did, it was well buried but it is there.
From a rtPCR of a non isolated DNA fragment.
The list of studies which depend on making comparisons with the flawed Chinese genomic sequencing study is shocking! Why don't our scientists query the source of the virus?
If you like my work & want to see more, offer advice & info or ask questions you can find me on Twitter at:
Please check out my research summary if you haven't already where I provide 19 "virus" challenge responses from various countries like Ireland, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia that shows the lack of evidence for the existence of the "virus". It also includes the scientific evidence regarding the faulty PCR and "antibody" tests and the false science behind "antibodies" and what these proteins actually do in contrast to what we have been taught.
Research summary and debunk regarding the existence of "SARS-CoV-2" and "COVID-19"
Many thanks John, I see we have been working alongside for some time! Thanks very much for linking your comprehensive article here! I have added it to my twitter thread today. 23rd October 2020.
In this video Kary Mullis spells out that his invention, the PCR process, is NOT to be used to identify viruses.