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RE: Senile Supreme Court Justice Calls For Repeal Of 2nd Amendment, Demonstrates Ignorance Of History

in #news7 years ago


There never was 'communism' in Russia.
They called themselves socialists, yes?
The USSR, not the USCR.
The only people that called them communist were victims of an attempt to poison the word.
A mostly successful one, at that.
Those in charge of applying this label were aware that if the ideas put forth by the anarchists of the day, Proudhon, Kropotkin, and Berkman were not countered they would prevail and the wealthy would be in trouble for enslaving the people.

Berkman did the best at translating the idea into words the people could understand:

We have had this conversation before, perhaps i should just leave you to your ignorance, but that doesnt really serve my purpose of undumbing down the population.
Ergo, here i am trying again to point out the hole in your facts.
You cant know what you dont know nor that you dont know it.
If you choose ignorance again, i will probably leave you to it.
So you got that going for you!

I do agree that we need more guns and ammo for everybody.
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms, so 'we' need to be ready to defend ourselves from physical attack.


Yeah, I don't think we've seen any actual Communist regimes that implemented Communism "in a textbook fashion". They all turn into basically fascism at the top, slavery at the bottom. You can always tell from how "the Party" lives.

I think you're arguing with my imprecise use of a word that I knew/intended to be imprecise.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

Its funny that how often people get confused thinkink socialism and comunism are the same thing
Personaly I think its a sad sign that in reality 70% of the population are illiterate sheep just following propaganda slogans

Yep, the main thing skool teaches them is to only accept information from authority, getting out of line is punished.

How many people read a book once they get out of skool?

Sadly there are many out there who consider themselves inteligent and educated while reading a 200 page book would require way too much of an intellectual effort on their side so they just go by reading headlines and thinking that it gives them an in depth perception of the situation and a right to comment, while all they are doing is shouting
Baaa baaaa baaaa baaa
Like the sheep they are

Welcome to my nightmare.
Smart people dont think themselves overly intelligent as they know how much they dont know, but stupid people think themselves brilliant because they dont have a clue.

Reminded me of a latin proverb from school

And the ones in the middle follow the confident.thats the main problem.
I hear your pains been Suffering them all my life too. But what can we do?

Organize and push back.
To do nothing is to be complicit.