Great piece, I wrote a little bit about this meeting yesterday.
Here is my take on this with (s)elected leaders, I would say that this has been going on forever really, I mean it is just that in the last two decades we have had internet and prior to that, it wasnt really possible to do any meaningful research on how the power structures are set up and especially the monetary system.
It is an unprecedented scam and Ron Paul said that only 10 people in the whole of US congress (out of 535) knows about fractional reserve banking and he said this in 2015.
As a person with libertarian values, I dont really see any real solution within the current system.
Stop voting and start using cryptocurrencies and just ignore the mainstream system as much as possible and spread the message.
Thanks - Carroll Quigley (linked in my post above) exposed the whole system, documenting it with names and dates exhaustively, going back 150 years. He says the modern denial system began with Cecil Rhodes and the use of his vast wealth to create a secret society that has the intentions of making sure that white men (English at that time) rule the world. Technically, by voting we perpetuate the system and give consent that 'someone' will rule us.
I was listening to a video about Bitcoin technicalities recently and the speaker made the point that it's not the 'best' solution that 'wins' but the solution that is 'good enough' and that gets big enough which will dominate. We see this in many arenas, including social networks as well as human organisations. It's a field that needs it's own research - namely, the mechanics of breaking down and replacing poor quality legacy systems that have become part of the psyche of the masses.