Twitter Sued Over Censorship

in #news7 years ago

@Jack messed with the wrong HuWhite Man.

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Last night's Twitter purge came as somewhat of a surprise attack. This author lost more than 10% of his followers and maybe gained back half of those lost as of this morning.

Paul "The Mauler" Nehlen, self-made Executive of a Fortune 500 Company and outspoken U.S. House of Representatives candidate from Wisconsin was recently purged from Twitter. Anime Right and Wrongthink have lost numerous accounts that were used mainly for memeing and various promotions.

The Anime Right Famalam does not have the funds to fight Twitter. It does not seem like many do. As it is though, American Renaissance Aristocrat, Jared Taylor, seemingly is taking the #ThouShallNotCensor very seriously. Taylor has announced today on Gab after last night's Twitter action that he and AmRen are bringing suit against Twitter.

What Twitter And @Jack Didn't Know...

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Heavy Hitting Attorney And Mutton Chop Afficianado:

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Marc Randazza and his firm have filed suit on behalf of Mr. Taylor and AmRen in Superior Court Of California this morning.

Wish them Godspeed.

Mr. Taylor's Official Youtube Statement can be found here.

#animeright #thoushallnotcensor

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Awesome news. I saw the video AmRen posted this morning about it. Maybe, I’ll get my account back if they win.

Not if the ADL has anything to say about it , you won't.

Seems like the ADL would have the upper hand in the Jewdicial system now that i think about it.

Such an up-hill battle.

I absolutely HATE censorship! These big social media companies use censorship to push their own political agendas and to help their bigwig buddies out.

For instance, let's say that someone who is in a power position at Twitter has a buddy that is a CEO of a pharmaceutical company. That Twitter exec could make certain decisions that would help his buddy out and could make other decisions that would lessen another company's exposure or social influence.

The same goes for political views. They could censor certain posts that don't align with their political beliefs. It's definitely wrong, and I'm glad that someone has the balls to take action.

..and there is the possible milo/roger stone law suit happening too....happy days...

Relevance:CensorshipCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)