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RE: Combat Vet Posts Shocking Picture of How Many Pills He Has to Take Because Cannabis is Illegal

in #news7 years ago

Gosh, that's terrible, now we can all enjoy Velcro. So your fear is that they will give it away or that they will sell it. Anyhow, their patent does not stop anyone from producing cannabis or using it for any number of purposes. The great thing about cannabis, and also why it is banned, is that it is pointless to try to patent it, even if you could, people can just grow their own. It's not a very good product from that standpoint. They like drugs that they can charge thousands of dollars a month for, not something someone could grow at home.


the patents dont belong to NASA, we paid for them, and we should have a department that actually works in the interest of the public, license velcro out, who know, possibly for much less than it cost now, will all proceeds going to schools, velcrow shoes for handicap kids, whatever. instead its possibly going to a foriegn company, or a mega cororation, that

  1. dont need it
  2. have such great resourources to begin with they can hire team of accountants to find loopholes.
    Apple Computer is a perfect example, worlds largest company, based in the USA, hasnt paid $1 of income taxes, legally.
    im not anti buisness, im anti getting constantly screwed!
    and actually with their patent-i dont have it in front of me, they only refence 1 element, most pharmacuticals have a natural begining, morphine, cocaine, etc, but they need to filter out the other stuff, so they can be sure of the cause/reaction relationship with the substance. but also some of the other stuff could be couterproductice in some way or another. so just like you can grow a coco plant, and chew the leaves-the effects are very diffrent-so ive heard.
    our natitional debit is rising so fast, allready (in october 2017), every man woman and child in the US owes $61,539.+interest, we are getting to the point where if we tax 100% of the people 100% taxes, we wont be able to make the interest payments. when that happens, all you savings will be worthless, , and the banks, and the PRIVATE federal reserve, being aware of this, and ready for it, will run around buying up everything at pennies on the dollar, like they have done before.
    Thomas Jefferson said
    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
    well we did, and they do, and we are almost there. obviously this is not related to patent proceeds, but those are just another way we are getting screwed at every turn, personally im sick of it.

Actually home ownership rates in America are pretty high, some economists are saying that in some ways the home ownership rate is too high, right now inventories in many places are very low.

and by they way, when i hear home ownership, i think they have a mortgage, meaning its still owned by the bank, times can change.

Some do some don't, I think equity, which is the part they own that grows with every payment.

that maybe 100% true, but its also 100% true that they plan to crash our ecomony, and canada, and mexico-both are inmuch worse shape, so they can come to the rescue with the Amero, they already have the bills, and coins designed, they are really ugly-the name sucks too!
but we will then become the north american union, like europe, with a leader no one know, or voted for.
the real problem is the illegal private federal reserve, they pay 6% dividends per year to stockholders, and when they print $1, they charge us to do that, say $1.10, so by design, its impossible to pay off the debit. its designed to fail. the constitution gives congress the power to print money, instead they gave it to private banks, who took us off the gold standard, confiscated gold in the 40's. by raising and lowering interest rates they control the expansion and contraction of the economy, the preisident only gets to pich the fed chairman, our of a group selected by the banks, no one in goverment has the power to override the decisions of the fed, or even audit them. they admitied they loaned millions of in 2008 i think, and refused to say to whom. the county has been hijacked. in fact the rockerfellers, and the rothschilds own the majority of the Fed, but also strangly enough every war we get in is with a country who doesnt have a private central bank, there are only 4 countries left in the world without one, Iran, Cuba, N Korea, and Syria-kinda suspicious dont you think?

Well the Cubans and N Koreans are hard core communists, so obviously private banks don't jive with that.

Syria has a central bank:

as does Iran

So there goes that theory.

Central Bank of Syria
The Central Bank of Syria (Arabic: مصرف سورية المركزي‎, Masrif Suriat Almarkazi) is the central bank of Syria. The bank is located in Damascus with 11 branches in provincial capitals. It was established in 1953 and started its operations in 1956. The objective of the bank is "to foster the stability integrity and efficiency of the nation’s financial and payment systems so as to promote optimal macro economic performance".

oh maybe i wasnt clear, a private central bank-owned by the rothschilds.
yes every country that has money will have a central bank.
actually since you seem to disagree with most of what ive said, will you do me a favor? please.
i wrote a post today about north korea-it might take 2-3 mins, i would honestly love your opinion on it-i am no journalist, this i know, im seriously struggeling with the word processor constantly. everything i write takes, at best 3-4 hours longer than i could write it out, probably in calligraphy-which i also dont know.
anyway im not asking for votes or whatever, just your honest opinion

Iraq, afganistan, yemen, libya, and sudan, also had central banks, and they still do, only private, for profit ones now.

I'll check it out