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RE: Rapper DMX Sentenced To A Year In Prison For Tax Fraud - Songs Played In Court As Defense

in #news7 years ago

Anyone arrested for a non-crime. If there is no trespass against life, liberty, or property, there is no crime. If there is no crime, the law is unjust and the arrest or fine is criminal.

Go some place where drugs are legal and/or permits are not required for gun possession, that would solve about 99% of that right? And because you are not a slave you can pick any plantation you like.

The US has the highest per capita prison population in the world.

that's evidence of how free and wealthy we are. Here in America we can afford to lock up those who cause harm to others and we do it. We can afford guns and drugs and have the freedom to get ourselves in trouble.

Police brutality is an epidemic, and only the advent of the modern camera phone with a 24/7 web connection has allowed any evidence of this to be brought to public attention.

Not really, most people are not brutalized and more importantly police brutality is not sanctioned, if the police brutalize you then you can sue them and make money and they can also be held criminally liable.

The government steals more than "criminals" in civil asset forfeiture alone.

Civil asset forfeiture is not stealing, it is civil asset forfeiture, you are not entitled to profit from crime, so you have no claims on illegally acquired gains, thus they are not being stolen from you.

The government demands we get permission to do everything.

That varies widely.

The laws against police abuse are woefully under-enforced and under-prosecuted.

That is probably true, that's what you should focus on.

Legal redress is quite difficult to obtain in reality when the party against whom you complain is part of the same organization promising redress.

I have a buddy who won $10,000 in high school from a police harassment suit. Some people cry and claim it is impossible and others enjoy their settlement funds. Do you think any actual slaves won settlements from their masters?
