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RE: White Privilege Debunked! Ryerson University Conference Exposed!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

It's funny, as a youth I occasionally heard myself being referred to as "underprivileged", little did I know I had white privilege! If only I knew I could have told the white kids living in group homes with no parents in the ghetto that they are privileged who knows what they could have achieved.
They claim that white privilege is things like the shampoo at a hotel working for you, they think that all white people's hair is the same and that any old shampoo works for us I guess. Newsflash: the shampoo at the hotel sucks for everyone, bring your own. Its not racist for them to supply shitty shampoo.
If the worst discrimination they can find in society is that hotel shampoo is bad then maybe we have achieved Dr. Kings dream. Or we would have if some people would just stop saying some people were privileged by their skin tone.

Progressives whole politics is based on divisive identity politics, it has to divide people arbitrarily and then come up with a victim narrative for each group to survive. As society has improved there are fewer and fewer real victim narratives, for example they had to come up with all this tranny shit after the gays got everything they wanted in order to keep the powerful gay voting block on the democrat plantation. "white privilege" is just another example.