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RE: California Bill to Create Ministry Of Truth To Censor Alternative Media

in #news7 years ago

you are correct. The Californicators completely WRECKED SOUTHERN NEVADA (and thus a whole beautiful quasi-libertarian state) in the mid-late 90s. Amen, brother B/A. Build a wall ALL AROUND TEXAS. heheheeee. Secede before it's too late. LOL Go Adam Kokesh and his "Split 50!" plan.


Yah, right on! All, but a wall! LOL Thank for the video. I hadn't seen this interview yet.

It's Adam's best tool for promoting/prescribing his "Split 50!" program... and ironically, was done on 9/11 of last year. F'r crying out loud, you think Ben Farmer (AK's campaign mgr.) would figure out how to get it in front of every LP member in America by now! sheeeeeeeeeesh. Marketing 101. LOL and it's free, these days! Do you know what that would have cost me in 1988? Figure the cost of a blank VHS cassette and shipping....and the cost of multi-copying process. Wow!!! Now? Mail Chimp. Click. Free. Duh.

You mean you would do all that work to see Texas become it's own nation, and have OPEN BORDERS from other American states to over-run your accomplishment(s)? Are you crazy? Are you on Kenny's Kitchen's last batch of Hiawascah? (however you spell that S.American hallucinogen they are all sucking on these days), I would be more worried about those borders than the Mexican/Texas border! But don't worry, if y'all elect Patrick Smith as Governor, we won't need any "Border Control" gov agency... It will simply be open season. We'll make cheap, healthy dog food out of the corpses. LOL Anarchy rules the day. eeeYeahuh, baybeee!

I feel like when a state succeeds that the others will be so blown away by the resulting prosperity that it'll be a race to the bottom. So I don't think there will be much need for the wall, as the voluntaryist model would find mass adoption rather quickly. Anyway, in a voluntaryist society who would build the wall? If private property owners want to, I'd support that. But there would be no government to build a large one.

Who would build such a wall? Who would provide military protection? You are hitting it right on the head as to why we NEED prototype samples of how AnarchoVol'sm would actually work against real world threats. ...and why Adam will have a hard time convincing a VERY small percentage of Americans without something to SEE and VISIT. Words from his book will only get people to "window shop".

The truth is...none of know the future. You & I woke up without having a working model to visit. Who knows what'll set off the evolution away from the state. I'll just keep doing my part to get the truth out to more & more of our slumbering brothers & sisters.

Uh. I am going to disagree here... between 2 men who understand we DO have an insight unto certain Truths as is transmitted to us through His Word and somehow through persistent communication with our Blessed Holy Spirit. I don't consider myself a Prophet by any stretch, but I know there are men who wander this planet with said Power/Gift. When I do cross their paths (and I have), I KNOW to hear their presentations and act in accordance. I have been Blessed with an amazing level of Discernment, ever since I was Baptized in the Holy Spirit back in '06. Night and Day, thinking back to the "before and after" moment.

So we may not "know the future" (notwithstanding what St. John has provided in Revelation), but there are certain things which take place; and prescriptions presented, the Apostles warned we better stick to, or face the specter of Satan's wrath and bloodthirst. We are somewhere between Rev. Chapters 4-10, and better wake up. Because when 11-14 begins to unfold, issssgawnnagittugly. And that could happen so fast, without any warning as to us "turning the corner." So yes, many of us do know the future. Hear our warnings. Hear our trumpets as we help assemble His Remnant for 7 years of hunkering down.

I realize this conversation will seem like absolute "martian" to 99% of anarchoVols, but perhaps it will spark some of the curiosity of the more intense "Red Pillers" in the crowd. I can only hope.... because THAT will help us determine and shape the future. The wandering "seculars" in the crowd who are going about Liberty in the "earn as we learn" mode will NEVER have the means to hold off Satan's butcher shop. Each of us humans are like an "ant in the ocean", all by himself in comparison to that level of opponent and his demons, plus his minions in the flesh. John 14:6

Hear here, my good man! I appreciate that & agree to disagree we will. My studies lead me to the conclusion that any people or person who will repent & live, as best they can, in righteousness will have the blessings of our FATHER. Knowing &, more importantly, doing the WORD of GOD bring forth HIS blessings & as for me & my house will lay claim to those blessings, providing a light in the darkness for so many who are blinded by the deception of the end times. The world is starved for TRUTH. The famine of Amos 8: 11, the famine of the end times, is on & in full effect. I want to teach my brothers & sisters to fish by fishing myself & attempting to set an example as best I can. You too are having an effect on those with whom you come into contact. If you keep it up we may just avert, for now, the tribulation of the anti-Christ. No one knows the future but our FATHER HIMSELF.