Equifax Hacked!

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Ironically I was thinking to myself today;

with all of the credit problems people have (myself included), how could blockchain be utilized to solve this problem?

Then while scrolling through some current events I stumble across this; “Equifax compromised 143 million people's Social Security numbers and other data".

Reading through the article, what stood out was that The Unites States was the only country targeted. From a citizen's perspective, it's only obvious that we are the target. With our current economic conditions, our worsening global reputation, why not target the biggest hypocrite of all?!

I realize that this is just one node of the entities that perpetuate the status quo of our social and economic construct - but the same one that keeps failing us.

Very few companies take the threat of a cyber attack seriously. I'm not sure if it's the archaic thinking of management or if they are really that isolated in their own little worlds of quarterly profits.


Centralizing our information and relying on a handful of companies to keep our information safe is preposterous.

Moreover, we're in an ever-changing technological age. It's time for us to get with the times. Blockchain tech, cryptocurrencies & the decentralization of information removes many vulnerabilities & increases security.

So back to my initial thought;

How could we utilize Blockchain to redefine "credit ratings", "personal identification", and replace the existing credit bureaus?

...because we're all sick and tired of this sh*t!

Here's the original news release from Equifax.


Equifax is a big JOKE! Its a company that doesnt work

Agreed! The whole credit rating structure is a joke. An archaic system built off credit is laughable.