This war is suicidal. I've been here for two months and I'm sick and tired to open hot and trending page. I can read always the same names. Their posts are irrelevant for me.
The majority of new-comers will sooner or later realize that this site is about a few people and there's no support for minnows at all.
What will happen? They will leave the platform or they will try to use it the same way as they see and choose a side.
And the outcome? A battlefield flooded by dead accounts and two fighting sides who cannot remember what they are fighting for.
As @yallapapi
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
It's up to you, whales. What will be left behind after the battles. It's your war. I have a vote here for @charles1 suggestion:
... sometimes we should remove the self-centered greed in us...
Thanks for your comment, good point indeed.