They have no agenda.
"They" might not, but She certainly does:
"Race Matters", "issues of race and social justice", "intersection of identity and culture with education reform and policy"...
Her agenda is rooted in identity politics, and identity politics is just racism, sexism, and bigotry. The same shit, different bow.
You have used the term "identity politics" dozens of times during our conversation. You should ask yourself, who put that word in your head, and why would they want you to regurgitate it constantly the way you do?
Some one put it in my head... Right.
Her agenda is to report on issues like racism and social justice. We have reporters that do that here, because we have a problem with systemically entrenched racism in this country. Let me explain something to you. There are people currently living in this country that witnessed lynchings. The last reported lynching in America was in 1979. Most Americans are well aware of the fact that institutional racism still exists here. That's why PBS has a reporter dedicated to covering issues of race and social justice. If you think this woman reporting on KKK infiltration of our police forces is racist, but still fail to see racism in Trump's comments about Mexicans, you are totally lost.