Generalizing a group of people as dangerous criminals has consequences.
Trump didn't generalize Mexicans of being dangerous criminals, he said most of the illegal immigrants from Mexico are. Now you do know what the different between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant is, right?
He wants the border closed, so people couldn't just jump over and cause trouble. I believe that goes both ways, Mexico probably doesn't want illegal immigrants coming from the US either. Are they racist too?
Great recession
Things are still going better than before, so as long as that's the way you are heading I don't think a buffoon can change it.
I could post a thousand articles and videos of police misconduct by white supremacist officers
Yea you probably could, but didn't.
Once again, you are re-writing Trump's words, and playing the "what he really meant to say was..." card. He didn't say illegal immigrants. He said, "when Mexico sends it's people..."
So you are now actually admitting that I could find a thousand articles and videos of police misconduct by white supremacist officers, but you still don't think we have a problem with racist policing in this country?