The air is pregnant with anticipation.
Is this the week? are we finally rid of the millstone that has been dragging the country and its people backwards for the last 9 years?
It seems that the removal of the repulsively corrupt Jacob Zuma is now just a matter of time. The writing on the wall screams that his backers are fleeing and his support is evaporating.
With the judiciary having flexed its muscles in spite of all his shenanigans and his succession plans thwarted at the most recent ANC elective conference, it seems that the vital thread, that unravels all, has been found.
Cyril Ramaposa, it is becoming more clear, has had a well oiled machine operating in the background and the state capture cronies and co. are reeling from the punches that are coming in thick and fast. The rats appear to be abandoning ship in haste and the emperor appears to be standing alone in all his abominable nakedness.
Love it!
Quite frustrating for most African countries been enslaved with politicians who have privatized public offices and thus, claim ownership of bulk of public facilities.
I believe his days are numbered in the political realm
We can only hope and pray.
Yesterday I saw on the news the protests in Jo Burg and I too am hoping he will soon resign. Time is up for corrupt leaders in Africa, we are a rich continent but the corruption and poor leadership in most countries is what brings and keeps us down. Good riddance Zuma!
Be careful what you wish for Ramaphosa is very evil and worse than Zuma.
Yes, these corrupt moneybags like the Jacob Zuma should be responsible for the suffering of the people and when so many social problems they live as they want, this must come to an end! Thank you @gavvet
Have stopped following the local news. It was the same old thing for years and I had much bigger problems of my own than to get upset about something I could do nothing about, but this is just about the best Steem post I've ever seen. I'll have to go brush up on what the hell is actually happening in my own country.
'Good riddance to bad rubbish', i think it is high time Jacob Zuma calls it quit. He is really dragging SA to the mud or is he the proverbial iroko that does not fall alone(?); that he wants SA to go down with him.
Thanks @gavvet for sharing.
It seems to me that the African National Congress itself is riddled with corruption. It's great to get rid of Zuma, but are there any real reformers to take his place? If there are I don't see them. Without real alternatives removing Zuma is as futile as cutting the head off the Hydra.

I learnt so much from this post
the inevitable will never be stopped.. a day will come when the people will rise against the corrupt mafia
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Terima kasih post anda bagikan
I haven't understand your post
good post..sir
thanks for sharing with us
In the end corrupt politicians will face justice,
It is inevitable.
Have stopped following the local news. It was the same old thing for years and I had much bigger problems of my own than to get upset about something I could do nothing about, but this is just about the best Steem post I've ever seen. I'll have to go brush up on what the hell is actually happening in my own country.
it is a wonderful news.thanks for sharing.valuable information to like all.keep it up.thank you.go ahead
Corruption will never end well for bad leaders, every one of them ruining good leadership will get justice. It is highly inevitable
Exactly, no one can escape the hands of justice. The injustice suffered by people in the hands of corrupt politicians is too much. Thanks for sharing this amazing post. I really love the way you used illustrations in your post. Amazing.
The shoes of integrity and. responsible governance left behind by the late president Nelson Mandela were too large for the likes of Jacob Zuma to step into. Hence the wobbling movements could not be averted.
We'll sure love to knw how much longer he'll seek to postpone the inevitable.. Hmmmmm
South Africa is a good country and peoples of this country is also good
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Africans should be doing better generally in terms of governance. A blessed continent with cursed leaders.
Nothing lasts forever, lets hope that the next leadership will be better
Very interesting post, I really learn from it
What comes around goes around! Justice will survive, and Finally wins.
I am just seeing on BBC now of how the speech is being delayed.
I guess the time has come for him like Uncle Bob!
i hold my breath too
Nations grow hand in hand with their collaborators' work. A flag flies and the sun rises every day for those who build. There is not in my opinion something more frightening than corruption and manipulated systems. Subject that does not let me live in peace even in my country. I vote for the liberators, for the workers and for decentralized systems. My vote is for those who push the corrupt to leave the ship and propose a world of equality left to the market and not to corruption
ThanksPlease followe me @cappatung vote and resteem.
Let us get rid of the whites and we will replace them with the blacks who are just as corrupt. But it is okay as they are black. Just stupidity.
I really hope this comes to pass eventually, for the sake of so many in SA. Corrupt people tend to have aces up their sleeves that they can fall back on. The power they wield can be scary! May his minions continue to jump ship and abandon him, may all their vices be exposed and may the relief of his removal come sooner rather than later!
he will not be long.
a two-faced man.
Great post very enlightening.
I have not watched any news for the past maybe 6-8 months, since it was all a bunch of nonsense that pretty much upset everyday of my life, I used to have the news channel playing constantly in my office, but stopped as it was way too depressing.#gavvet
It does however seem as though we may be pulling out fro under the cloud our country has been wallowing in for the past few years, and seems we may have, at the very least, pointed our walking boots in the right direction.
all that is left now is to start walking away from all this negativity that we have been shrouded in.
fingers and toes are all crossed.
Blessing to our beautiful country, may we see the light once more, and grow as we were always meant to.
How sad, these corrupt leaders are such a torture for a nation. I hope the nation get rid of him soon!!!
African politics and their propaganda
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Oh No! Does that mean toll roads will go as well?
good @gavvet
he sounds like your version of Hillary Clinton
The only people who are dragging Africa back in development are they same people who come to us like angels to talk to us about their plans for development.... Yes!! Politicians, African politics is soo corrupt to the extent that they don't know the difference between their own selfish interests and that of the nation. It's soo sad we always get corrupt individuals as leaders in Africa
He is clinging on for dear life.....Fingernail marks on the door frame of parliament
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