What would you consider to be tyranny? As far as I can see, and through all the history books I have read tyranny is one of the constants in any country in the world including the US, and nothing much has been done about it, even with all the weapons owned by individuals.
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So you're saying Use them or lose them? You'd make a great tyrant.
No, you're saying that weapons are to resist tyranny, just what do you think the IRS is?
The only reason that the government does not behave like that of say, the Venezuelan or Cuban government,you know jailing and executing political dissenters, is that the US people are armed. Let's keep that deterrence in place, lest we fall to genocide by our government. When a government Does become tyrannical, you won't have to sit around wondering if it happened yet. You'll know. What sparked the revolutionary war was government soldiers attempting to confiscate civilian firearms.
Well here’s the thing, once you lose them and if, not will, if shit goes south you are certainly never, never getting them back. So I hope everyone is damn good with baseball bats if things were to ever go bad.