Who Owns The New York Times

in #news7 years ago

We see media bias all the time, but why is it the way that it is. I propose it is the way it is because of who owns the media…and today, we’re going to start with the New York Times.
First, we need to change the paradigm. Do not think of these privately owned companies as Media, or news. Think of them as PR companies that push the agenda of their owners. Repeat after me…Mainstream Media is PR.
One of the owners of the New York Times is Carlos Slim Helu. He has a 17% stake in the company. If his name sounds familiar…that’s because he’s a big deal. The companies he owns account for about 40 percent of Mexico’s stock Market. he has investments in Communications, real estate, construction, airlines media, technology, retailing, restaurants, industrial production, and finance. Basically, if Carlos Slim sneezes, Mexico catches a cold. His hand is in just about everything, I mean exactly that.
Through Wikileaks, emails between Anya Alfano and Fred Burton reveal Carlos Slim is linked to the Mexican Cartels, I guess we can call those unconventional assets.
The Publications of the New York Times are heavily biased in favor of the Democratic Party, and many liberal topics. Such as pro-immigration, and identity politics. They’re so biased they apologized when Donald Trump won in 2016. I’m not kidding. But don’t worry, they committed themselves to honesty again. You can trust them again. Trust them again.
Now, Pro-Immigration and identity politics, they’re ephemeral, abstract, not the most concrete things to track. So let’s go over a specific policy. Obama phones. A US government program allows people to get access to phones to help with getting a job (that’s the official story). Of course Carlos Slim owns a controlling stake in TracFone and it would make money per device provided to Americans. It doesn’t stop there though, turns out the President of Tracphone F.J. Pollack has donated at least 156,000 to Democratic Candidates and his wife has raised 632,000 for Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. They even hosted Obama at their Miami Beach home for a fundraising dinner.
Wow, that’s a lot right there. Now Trump is obviously going against the interests of Carlos Slim. There is a main point of contention between Slim and Trump, and that is Immigration…because this ONE issue touches on so many different things. First-off, when many immigrants earn money in the United States, a lot of that money is sent back to support their family in Mexico, as opposed to circulating in the American Economy. On a personal level, I find that quite noble and honorable. To look after your family like that. However, this also means Carlos Slim is getting an unofficial stimulus package since the money is being spent in Mexico where he owns 40% of the stock market (that’s slick). Slim wants to keep this gravy train going, and the more immigrants he can get into the United States (legal or illegal) the better for his pocketbook.
Now remember the Wikileaks emails I talked about earlier between Anya and Fred regarding Carlos Slim being linked to the Cartels, well strong borders would hurt him on that front as well. First, The cartels control illegal border crossings, it’s one of their many rackets. So increased border security or a border wall would severely harm the interests of the cartel. Not to mention it would make transporting drugs across the border a whole hell of a lot more difficult. It’s worth noting drug money is a lot of wealth that is leaving the U.S. and going to Mexico as well.
What’s interesting is Slim loaned The New York Times 250 million back in 2009..during the height of the financial crisis. A good deal, considering all of the influence he’s been able to buy. Here’s what’s really interesting. Democrats used to be for stronger borders…and can you guess when that was? That’s right…In 2006, 3 years before Slim got his hooks into The New York Times the Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized 700 miles of fencing along certain stretches of land and increased vehicle barriers, checkpoints, the works. Some of the Democrats who voted for it include Obama, Schumer, and Clinton. You may have heard of them.
I don’t know about you guys, but I think it’s really interesting that policies friendlier to Mexico began to come about as Mexico began pumping more money into lobbying and PR work in the U.S. What a coincidence? It’s not just Slim that benefits from immigration. Immigration drives up demand for housing and therefore prices, there are many more effects as well, and I don’t have time to cover all of the effects of Immigration. I just mentioned housing to open up the thought process to you guys and show it’s big business for many people.
Well, this has been fun, but remember…Slim only owns 17% of the New York Times. So who owns the other 83%.
Is it…
A: Kim Kardashian
B: Cardi B.
C: Pikachu
D: The Sulzberger family
If you picked anything other than D: The Sulzberger family you weren’t even trying.
The Sulzberger family dynasty started when Adolph Ochs became publisher in 1896 and his only daughter Iphigene Ochs married Arthur Hays Sulzberger. Who was a businessman whose Jewish ancestors had settled in New York in the eighteenth century. Today, the Chairman of the New York Times Company is Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.
As a publication it skews heavily liberal and heavily establishment. When I say establishment, I am referring to the military industrial complex. The New York Times was among the gaggle of Mainstream PR networks disguised as news stations which pushed the WMDs in Iraq narrative. Hillary Clinton was the Military Industrial Complex’s first choice. The donations she received from defense industries like Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics dwarfed the amount given to Trump. And when I say heavily liberal…well let’s just say that after Trump won the publisher…Arthur Sulzberger Jr. Himself wrote that Trump’s win surprised him and that he had to rededicate himself to “reporting the world honestly, without fear or favor.” Well, he told us to trust him, so nothing to see here. You know you screwed up when you have to rededicate yourself to honesty. Yikes!
Anyhow, Arthur Sulzberger does more than write half-hearted apologies. He rubs shoulders with the powerful. In 2008 Bill and Hillary’s Clinton Family Foundation gave 100k to a New York Times’ Neediest Cases Fund, and then the New York Times just happened to endorse Hillary in the Democratic Primary. Another Coincidence. Arthur was also at the Clinton Global Initiative, and attended Terry McAuliffe’s book party. Terry McAuliffe was a top Clinton fundraiser. Aww, look how happy they are. Terry McAuliffe had been fundraising with the Clinton’s since before 2000 and has admitted that his business relationships and politics have gone hand in hand.
In 2009 McAuliffe founded GreenTech Automotive and purchased a Chinese electric car company. Wow, what an entrepreneur. In 2013 McAuliffe resigned from Greentech and didn’t hold an ownership stake in the company. Chinese investors sued Terry McAuliffe and Hillary Clinton’s Brother for fraud in Greentech Automative. The Chinese investors were promised permanent residency in the US under a program handing out green cards to foreign funded ventures that generate US jobs. But, the investors now face the threat of deportation because the Department of Homeland Security determined Greentech didn’t generate the number of jobs required to sustain the visas. Since Hillary was Secretary of State at the time, her brother was used to attract Chinese interest and money.
To bring this full circle back to the New York Times…Yet again. Carlos Slim, the 17% owner of The New York Times. Has donated between 10 mil to 25 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation through his company Tracfone Wireless. The same company which cashed in on the Obamaphones. Both owners of The New York Times are directly connected with Democratic politicians and policies.
And there you go guys…The more you know right?
Now when it comes to bias you can’t escape it. Some of you may have asked yourself what’s this guy’s bias. So I’ll tell you. My bias doesn’t have anything to do with political parties, social issues, or even specific policy positions. My bias is toward any small group manipulating information and policies for their benefit, unbeknownst to the majority. That’s what my primary coverage style is like. Politics, social issues, and policy is important…but I genuinely feel an honest conversation about any of those things are impossible when we have hidden, powerful groups manipulating public discourse. In order to have an honest discussion, we need to have honest people and weed out the manipulators amongst us.
In order to accomplish this, we have to stop the bleeding first. I will map out the money fueling their bias. Only then, once their bias is exposed, can we hope to have honest discourse on the issues that matter the most. If you liked what you saw, please like, comment, and follow, and if you really like what you read...you can support me on Patreon for a whopping $1 a month. Take care everyone!
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out the money fueling their bias. Only then, once their bias is exposed, can we hope to have honest discourse on the issues that matter the most. If you liked what you saw, please like, comment, and follow, and if you really like what you read...you can support me on Patreon for a whopping $1 a month. Take care everyone!.. it good

Thank you mate!