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RE: GOD EXISTS - The Globalists Brag! Careful what you wish for!

in #news8 years ago

Quite a generalization there - but well analyzed.
I have been to France last year, for the third time in my life. The French don't seem to open up to outsiders as quickly as other cultures may do. They are fiercfully proud of their heritage/culture, yet the socialists rulers have opened the flood gates to a people as alien to French culture as German Lederhosen to Muslim women.

Conquer and divide, then enslave.
I remain concinced that the globalist vermin stole the election of Marine LePen from the French people. Over 38% of YOUNG French people are conservative. Rein Monseigneur Macaroni Marcon is a con artist, seeing himself as god. What a faux pas.

As for the French, [sigh], is there any hope?


Agreed on having generalized and painted with a big brush a bit.

Regarding LePen the US alt-right and some Keks were trying to paint her as the European Donald Trump. I don't believe that is the case, I believe she is too far right and is not motivated by some of the arguably positive things that motivate Trump. This opinion has been expressed by the likes of Milo Yannopoulos I believe.

As for the French being not open to outsiders, I am not sure that is the issue. The Japanese are not open to outsiders and remain the one country where Islamist Terrorism has not come about.

What the French do on the other hand, is that they are extremely anti-religion. I'm not religious (technically I'm a Buddhist) but I agree with Prof. J.B. Peterson about Judeo-Christian tradition being at the base of all western civilization, and when you hack at your roots, you get these results: marxism and derivatives (post modernism, political correctness, social justice, sexual identity politics, feminism) and at the same time you become vulnerable to being invaded by people who have not forsaken their roots, such as Muslims.

I wish I could say screw France, the rest of Europe is gonna survive. Unfortunately most countries in Europe are at different stages on the same road to perdition.

Road to perdition indeed. I liked Le Pen, and I talked to a lot of Le Pen supporers in 2016.
Thing is - she was the ONLY viable choice to put France back on track.
Not to confuse her with her dad, who was indeed far right. However, I don't like the label right-wing/far right etc, as these, too, have been hijacked and their meaning raped and distored. Fascists/Nazis were/are National Socialists... Nothing to do with traditional American conservative nationalism.