
Frankly, the federal government of the US has grossly overstepped it's remit and become the enemy of the American people. Agencies that were created to secure the rights and property of Americans now oppress them and seize their wealth. Instead of protecting Americans, they physically surveil, deceive, and manipulate them for the benefit of puppeteers that control government through bribery and blackmail. It is no longer a servant of the people, but now has become their master, and it is time to subjugate that government or eliminate it, lest the people suffer such horrific tyranny that has been obvious across history when overlords take the property and wealth of the people that make it, leaving their thralls to languish in penury as the overlords frolic in luxury.

Any of the current candidates running for the office of President will worsen that problem. Because the corporations that extract funds from the government in the form of contracts and today, the quantitative easing that is nothing more than conjuring wealth to give to the wealthy, will take every stolen Won that can be taken, and incestuous relationships cause them all to blindly support their font of fortune, the people have only themselves to rely on as all the mechanisms of government have been corrupted to harm them, and the private companies are beholden to government largesse.

We have not done as Jefferson recommended, and bidecadally torn it down and recreated it, and now face the consequences of leaving a tumor to fester and grow for many decades, centuries, until it looms a mutated, monstrous growth that consumes all our issue, all our wealth and labors, all our property, and all our rights, until we labor for nothing else but to sate that insatiable maw of corruption. There is nothing left that can be done but to excise that monstrosity, to remove it like a the tumor it is, that the suffering of the cancer patient, the American people, be relieved.

The majority of the mountains of laws that have arisen are impediments to our felicity, not aid or boons, and we'd be better off without them. In fact, given the horrific conspiracy to genocide and enslave Americans the CDC, DOD, and DOJ, and all the rest of the agencies have and are undertaking, we cannot live should we allow them to continue. It all needs to be torn down, wrested from the grasp of the fiendish criminals that have seized it for their own purposes, and our mutual governance reconsidered in the light of modern technologies and potential humanity has attained to in these last centuries.

I would that none serve as President of that shibboleth, but an executioner that ends it's suffering. Aaron Bushnell is a suitable President that has led the way for the corrupted cancer the USG has become and exemplified what it must do to be a lawful servant of the American people.
