The largest bear ever to exist. Lived in an age of icing and was considered one of the largest predatory mammals of the time. The body length of this bear was about 3.5 meters, and weighs more than a ton. Unlike modern bears, he had jaws that were more suited for eating flesh. It is believed that the giant short faced bear was a full-fledged carnivore and hunted horses, reindeer, bison, and camels. Now you see that a person is lucky enough to live in a relatively safe time and walking in the woods, you can not be afraid of anyone. Do not forget to share this page with your friends. After all, these monsters will see not every horror movie.

Telecosmic lived during the Miocene in South America. Its main feature was a huge ever-growing upper canines, as well as the protective blades on the upper jaw. The size of the marsupial saber-toothed tiger was similar to the present Jaguar and hunted large herbivores.

Another contender for the title of largest carnivorous mammal. Magisterii lived in the early and middle Miocene. These animals could reach 4 meters in length and 2 metres at the withers and weighed more than a ton. The Latin name of the animal Megistotherium osteothlasts comes from the Greek words "the greatest beast" and "crushing bones". These names speak for themselves.

Argentavis magnificens means "magnificent Argentine bird". It is the largest bird ever to exist. Size argentavis comparable to a small aircraft. Its wingspan reached 7 meters, which is twice as large as that of the largest birds. Scientists suggest that argentavis hunted for large rodents, falling on top of them, stunning and swallowing the prey entirely.

Question about me | Answer about me |
My name & Surname? | Stanislav Osipov. |
Where am I from? | Russia. Nyagan. |
How many years? | 20 Years. |
What are you doing? | PR manager, paid analysis of matches, recently started blogging steemit |

Holy crap Argentavis!
Heart disease and Cancer are no where near as scary as being face to face with one of these creatures
the disease kills a long time, and these animals you know that they've already killed, and some diseases and cancers can be cured