This is a day most Americans are forced to reflect on life since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Towers, NYC, and The United States as an institution.
I believe we are still sorting out what happened and what the real cause of this awful incident was, only one thing is for sure though, we all changed. I would love to hear about what you all feel really happened.
This article is more about where I was and how the attack made me feel and behave than which mass murderer is responsible. I'm sure there were many interests acting together and independently and if you want to give your thoughts please do.
I would like to know who and where you were at the time you heard what was going on and what how it changed you, if it did at all that is. I for one was a teenager and had a severe emotional reaction when I woke up to see one my childhood memories burning on live TV.
I grew up in the North East region of the U.S.A. in Boston and its suburbs. Going back to the subway in Summerville and taking the train to Fenway park or The Garden was a regular family occurrence, special but normal activity for us. Going to New York City however, was an event that was something we looked forward to for years at a time.
We would pack the whole family in the station wagon and take the four or five hour trip to The Big City because of just how awe inspiring it was. Driving up to a metropolis the size of NYC is an amazing experience, not too long ago a drove through with boys and still to this day I'm always struck by the size and impressive nature of it. The thought that always seems to come to mind is "I didn't know men could build things this big" ;). That hasn't diminished, just changed.
When I enter the suburbs and look at the city I still see the ghosts of the twin towers and wish they were there. My father would always point to them and say to us "those big ones there are where we are going kids, we're going to stand on the top of the world.". That worked for us and certainly got our attention, there wasn't any fighting over a Gameboy from that point forward. It may not work for all kids but when we saw what we thought was the biggest city in the world and heard that we could travel to the biggest structure we had ever seen it was exciting.
Things are a lot different when I take my kids there in this age. We get off the train hang out for literally about a minute and leave. The entire feeling and the emotions attached to the place changed and it is safe to say they will never get as much out of the experience that I did at their age.
I just don't feel safe doing the things with them that I did with my own father as sad as it is. Combine that with the huge growth in population that makes things feel all the more claustrophobic and I do not see it as worth the trouble. Why bother putting my family at risk just to fight through crowds and pay an obnoxious price for everything we need?
I know there will be a good amount of people who react to hearing that and say that is what the terrorists wanted and giving into the changed they wanted to force on us. That is true, but I stopped fighting that battle when a few years ago a different terrorist group blew up children at the Boston Marathon. The fact that I took my kids to see a city and rode a subway is enough for me and is the most risk I am going to put up with. I love my kids more than I love hanging around on street corners eating hotdogs and site seeing, plain and simple.
So this is how I feel now, angry that my childhood memories were reduced to smoldering rubble and wondering if trying to give my own kids similar memories is worth the risk. I knew even when I was young that there were taller buildings and plenty of cities to see but that is the point, this was special for us and that is why I wanted to pass on the activity. Should I put emphasis on cultural things like this just to risk seeing my kids crushed when they are blown up?
I'm all done with what the region has to offer and do not want to be a part of the next attack around here. I'm leaving for a place that no one will want to attack because there are not millions of people packed shoulder to shoulder. That's what 9/11 taught me, put the past behind you and move on.
This attitude of mine was hard earned over many years though, when the attack happened I was ready to fight back. I got into shape and was looking to join the army so I could, in my mind, get payback for what was done. I wasn't alone though and the recruitment center in my neighborhood had a huge backlog of other teenage men looking get revenge.
That delay changed my life and the course of everything that made me who I am today. I was getting politically active and hyper patriotic. It wasn't until years later I realized things were not as they appeared.
The first thing that got me to reconsider joining the armed forces had to have been the direction our country went with where we decided to fight. We were all told that a rouge group of militants attacked us and we had to fight them in Afghanistan so that they could not kill any more of us. Sounds good and makes sense, they hit us so we need to wipe them out before another attack takes place. I was able to get behind that at the time but of course the mission changed.
By the time my number came up we were no longer looking for justice for what had been done to us. Instead we seemed to be trying to save the world by blowing up things ourselves and creating a generation of middle eastern men who felt the exact same way I do about things. That may be the only justice we got out the war on terror, men who are angry that the places their father brought them as kids has now been blown up.
I didn't get into the idea of serving to become a part of some world police force and I still do not think burning down half of Iraq makes any sense to this day. It doesn't feel like we looking for Osama Bin Laden in Saddam Husain's back yard garden, it feels like a giant lie.
I took a real look around at how everyone was being effected by the news coming out of the MSM and how easy it was to propagandize even the smartest folk among us. I did not like what I figured out then and got into history, some would say too deeply. I learned about the theory that we sometimes call "problem, reaction, solution." and felt duped. It is safe to say I no longer want to join the army, not because of the military institution, I would show up with my ordinance ready to go if we were ever invaded, but because I don't like feeling used and lied to. If I were guarding a field of poppy plants for the Afghanistan governments opium industry I may go AWOl, or worse. I asked too many questions and the answers I got infuriated me as much as the attack itself.
I don't disparage the military and our troops, do what you would like and I will not judge. I won't be fighting this fight and do not want my kids serving until this is straightened out though. I want to trust that my government isn't lying to us and taking advantage of our faith in them. I want to see some results, as in a return to the age of safety that I grew up in or a country we rebuild actually function on its own without us holding the hand of its leaders. Something that is worth dying for instead of a platitude about it feeling good to spread democracy or some nonsense. I'm not a democrat and probably never will be so why do I care if someone in Syria believes in that ideology? I don't want my kids to get shot over a strangers righto farm goats in Northern Africa for that matter. Seems like everyone we "liberate" turns around and tells us to go to hell for our effort anyway.
So that is how 9/11 makes me feel, how about you? If you are a true and through patriot let me have it, I'll listen in the hopes I can feel better about this. If you want to get some thoughts about what really happened that would help too. If you are not from the US I'd really like to hear the whats and wheres for you on that day, if it had an effect or not.
Thanks for reading, make the most of your day!
Image sourced from
I was at home sick lying on the couch watching it happen. I was in shock for a bit like everyone else, then likely angry.
The bigger shock would come later in a paradigm shifting way. That shock would come in the form of the gradual noticing of major problems with the Conspiracy Theory known as the "official narrative". The more I learned, the more I became shocked than even the attack itself, and the more my mind changed.
Then as I asked uncomfortable questions I encountered the cognitive dissonance attacks by people and witnessed some of the early verbal grenades that would be lobbed at people that dared to ask questions.
I witnessed the term Truther be born. I consider myself one.
Now if someone called me a Truther in a derogatory fashion, my response would be...
"As opposed to what? A liar?"
I'm still proud to be a truther or whatever the new term is for some who thinks and asks questions. I'm with you, the divides started to show big time soon after and the war of words among us got hot.
you have a way better chance of winning the Mass Millions. Hell being a victim of the Boston Bombing paid out better than the mass millions! And you don't have as many tractors around here, there are a few but not as many as you might find elsewhere
Boston and NYC suck, there are so many other great reasons to not go there than terrorism. You have to suck it up and take the risk for your kids sometimes like going to an amusement park or the beach.
Every day 10 people drown in the US.
I hear you but if I didn't have bad, I'd have no luck at all. I figure if I end up on a mountain minding my own business I'll only have to worry about the stats on lightning strikes.
I did know a girl in Boston who was hit by lightning! Well the metro area anyhow. She lived, when I saw her on the news she said she never wanted to be struck by lightning again. I almost fell off a cliff one time in the mountains.
See, good odds of survival there.
Lightning has already killed 20 Americans this year, as far as I can tell it is tied with terrorists right now, I don't count the terrorists themselves as victims though. For some reason the body counts include attackers
say what you will about the government they have some pretty impressive lightning statistics
I'll still take natural causes, I say all this about lightning but I'll end being the guy who gets eaten by a bear.
I have to say, I am thinking it may be better for my kids not to be attached to cultural icons and locations to make them happy, not sure it is possible to avoid it though.
When they grow up they will realize on their own how much those places suck. You have to do something to get them out of the house, probably the most dangerous part is driving there.
The US government said it needed a new pearl harbor a year or two before, the appetite for war was gone, you not seen the dancing Israelis yet? I find this hard to believe, they were arrested with a van full of explosives on that same day.
Come on bro, I thought you were clued up!
Riddle me this, how do you go to document any event that nobody knew was going to take place?
New Pearl!
Stop being played and be a player.
I've seen those before for sure, was hoping someone would bring it up in the comments and get this part of the conversation going 100%.
:-) Thank gawd for that, I thought you had gone all soft on me.
These need to be downloaded and backed up somewhere other than the censorship happy youtube. They could be forever gone.
I have back ups on a spare drive, where do you suggest?
I'd put them in multiple places.
1st) DLIVE.IO - it is part of the steem blockchain and is slick.
2nd) - if you don't have a channel sign up for a free one
3rd) Bitchute
If you want it preserved don't keep all your eggs in one basket.
I'd recommend DTUBE, but it seems after about 6 months of age the DTUBE videos often vanish. You could still put them there for visibility.
DLIVE is the best out of those, but it is so new I don't know how long term the videos will be there.
REAL.VIDEO I'd expect to be long term
BITCHUTE is long term but also based on P2P Torrent tech so can be hit and miss.
Okay, thank you kindly for the advice.
Oh and DLIVE and DTUBE are both part of the steem blockchain ecosystem so you can login to them with your credentials you use here via steemconnect.
That is superb, thank you.
Boston has been inundated with Muslims since 9/11. Perhaps they won something.
Or perhaps you were sold a "lie"
I bought the lie hook line and sinker, I had never heard of the problem, reaction, solution tactic until it was too late. It could have been worse though, time and God was on my side at the time when I was making emotional decisions thankfully.
You could take a look at some Davis Icke vids, he breaks the problem reaction solution thing down really well bro.
thats the day evil reached out and touched us again. i think the last one was pearl harbor but that generation died out so we dont remember that anymore.
Thank you for sharing 100%
I thought you were genuinely going to take this subject on, not just pander to people?
It will not get you very far pandering, say what you really feel or say nothing at all!
You need to listen to my podcast bud, I'm not holding back, spent all day on it and wouldn't mind keeping the conversation going. We get into it so if you want to know where information war stands give it a listen, you won't be disappointed ;).
Cheers my friend, I will gladly take a listen this evening, have a superb day.
We have an open forum style going on so if we missed something, and with a conspiracy so big and disparate I'm sure we did, let me know. We can get you on too as long as what you say doesn't break the rules for the forum. If you have something really controversial there is always bitchute, we would have to see.
Yes the evil of government knows no bounds eh! Even citizens are mere collateral damage, look within not outside, if you think for a second 19 Saudis with zero experience of flying a jet plane, armed with box cutters attacked the USA, you should seek medical attention straight away, or just stop watching hollyweird movies!
You never noticed on every false flag, that they, the governments are running a drill, the same day, practicing for the same thing? or are you totally locked in to the presstitute news?
Now tell me about wt7 and lucky Larry?
I remember it, bad, sad times... Horrible...
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NYC is my backyard. 9/11 is an unsolved murder. All my activism stems from this event happening right has I became a teenager.
I'm with you on the feeling it was in my back yard and it definitely changed my life too 100%.