Astro-Turfing A Culture - How the rich buy influence and prestige in order to cheat their way to notoriety.

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Valerie Jarrett is being accused of buying her wayonto the New York Times Best Seller's list. How much of what we believe is popular and correct is just a façade made up to fool and control us?

This is the same Jarrett that was crucial in taking down Rosanne Barr right when she was rising in popularity so it seems worth mentioning that she continues to pull strings and bully her way into relevance.

I believe that acts like this and the Varsity Blues scandal that is currently undercutting our education system are robbing our culture of talent and forcing dedicated artists to remain without exposure here in the U.S.A.

I made this short video to elaborate on this and show how it effects more than just the localized institutions these people buy their way into.

I can promise you one thing for sure, I am not faking any of the numbers for my book and I couldn't buy a warehouse full of hardcovers if I wanted to. Instead I rely on the people who have read it and liked it enough to buy another copy for a friend or just pay it forward to the community of readers here on sites like Steemit.

The Coming Cataclysm to anyone who reaches out and lets me know. There are plenty of ways to get in touch such as leaving a comment on this post or finding me on Discord where I'll be doing a live podcast later on today.Most recently, @InTheNow was kind enough to get involved and make it so I can give away another copy of

All I need to send you the novel is either a Kindle or e-mail address you feel safe giving out and you will have a fun weekend of fantasy and adventure reading though a great story. I'll be here at 8pm EST tonight if you want to find out more in real time or just to send the info in a private message.

World Clock

If you would like to support a full time writer/content creator and fight back against the Astroturf efforts of these phonies, please consider checking out my new book The Coming Cataclysm available now in e-formats.

To find out more about how to get the book with crypto-coin, take a look at my post announcing the process.
Thanks for checking out this article, have a great day!



valerie jarrett is an evil bitch
and congratulations on your new book mr patrick
i see makinstuff has sold his house
good stuff
my house gets listed in two weeks and i hope it sells as quick as his
have a great day man and cheers to your new book