in #news7 years ago

God knows the inclination of our heart. If it is inclined towards righteousness your life will be pleasing to God. If your heart is inclined towards unrighteousness you will become a vessel for destruction. Free will cannot hinder us or it ceases to be free will. By nature it does not come with any strings attached, you are free to do whatever you want, no matter how evil, or how debauched that may be. What you are not free from is the consequences of your choices and actions.

God does not commit atrocities. He gave us free will and a conscience and trusts us to live honourable lives, and to not commit atrocities. If we constantly act in such a way that our conscience, (our ability to do what is honourable) diminishes then we lose our conscience. The conscience is our ability to 'feel' what is beneficial and what is detrimental.
Looks can be deceiving, we only have to look at Hollywood to understand this. Outwardly people may give the appearance of being as white as the driven snow but inside their heart can exist a bubbling cauldron of unclean and unholy desires. Such desires attract like minds and the magnitude of evil increases exponentially as a result. The elite child sex trafficking network is evidence of the way the system works. Once corruption gains a hold it spreads like wildfire. In this system the corruption has filtered down from the top. Once the head is corrupt the heart follows so it is important to guard our thoughts and desires at all times.

Satan is part of God. Free will allowed Satan to turn his back on God and so Satan exists to test our ability to maintain integrity to God. If Satan can use our desires against us he will. Children are bait that are used to corrupt our hearts and minds. Islam is a religion created by Satan, not God. God does not need to have sex with children, it is our own selfish desires that exploit those weaker than us. To pretend that this type of activity or inclination of the heart is in some way sanctioned by God is blasphemy. Pedophilia is a clear indication that the heart is is inclined towards unrighteousness and nothing good can come from that.

If there is no meaningful deterrent to dissuade people from committing atrocities then society will slowly plunge into an eternal darkness which will eventually destroy all life. The exploitation of children is not pleasing to God, it is sanctioned by a belief system created by weak and damaged people who are unable to control their own weaknesses.