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RE: Bracing For "Cyber 9/11" With James Corbett

in #news8 years ago

Wow! Quite surprised I watched the whole thing, so interesting! Glad I found you!

The opportunity we have to awaken as a global family through the open source movement, especially blockchaining, is astounding and so important right now! The bridging of the political edge here on the social revolutionary edge of currency independence we are exploring is explosively potent.

The problem of cellular and fiber-optic networks being held by fixed entities is an offshoot of what he discussed about power and web content still being mostly centralized. It is so crucial we revise, or devise some independent data transfer alternative, like a napster for TRUTH blockchain that runs in a WAN made of global Wifi and satellite networks converted to an autosync neonet. Saved copies of public content are automatically distributed in every direction. People all gain increasingly unique and detailed computer addresses and regain "neighbors" and some sense of physical identity in digital. Until freedom was established for all present infrastructure, it would be much slower, like passing notes to specific postal workers along a long route. The broadcast channel between Texas and Nebraska could start as a "route" through New Mexico and Colorodo on the way... a new map made of open source web runable on any device with no power ruling over it. It might be quite vulnerable, it would probably end up needing its own data hording freedom vigilantes to outsmart any attacks in advance, but hopefully the whole privately held global communication power structure could collapse by deafeningly resounding public opinion. I guess this train of thought is how corrupt powers begin, (sigh), hopes for freedom and plots to achieve it.

May our celebration of the possibilities create such a joyous applause that no other force is necessary to woo the world free.