East Aceh: PT.Padang Palma Permai cooperation program with Pentagon Cooperative succeeded in realizing the planting of Plasma plantation in Cek Embon village, Kec.Peurelak, East Aceh regency, Wednesday morning (24/1).
Attending the event, Vice Regent of East Aceh Syahrul bin Samaun together entourage, President Director of PT. Minamas "Hariyanto Tedja Wijaya. Dandim 0104 / Atim Lieutenant Colonel Inf Amril Haris Isya Siregar, H.Yan Pakeh (entrepreneur), Chief of East Aceh Police, religious scholars, "Tgk.Abulah Krung
Lintang, Leuge's father, besides appearing present Kadis Penanaman Iskandar, SH and tens members of plasma recipients already in SK kan by local government. Meanwhile, in his presentation Kadis Penanaman (PMP2T) from the plantation of East Iskandar Regency of Kab.Aceh said, "Formerly Pemkab.Aceh East hoped for a cooperation program like PT.Padang Palma Permai with the Pentagon Cooperative Iskandar.
Therefore, he continued, to know that before the business license issued by the local government, it is mandatory for the company to first realize the Plasma plantation for the community of 20% of the area (HGU) owned by the Company, he said. In the same place, President Director of Minamas Hariyanto Tedja Wijaya said, I am very grateful for the implementation of the prime planting activities that are carried out symbolically on this day, he said, saying PT.Padang Palma Permai has been a long time operating in East Aceh in 1992.
Furthermore, he said, therefore PT.Padang Palma Permai together with the Pentagon Cooperative in the future will continue to strive to contribute to the community especially those recipients of Plasma as a government program aimed at improving the welfare of the people around the location with the hope that what has been realized now will continue continues, untasnya
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