We will see how it plays out but seriously I am tired of his games. Even if he is Satoshi, I really don't care. The cat is out of the bag.
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We will see how it plays out but seriously I am tired of his games. Even if he is Satoshi, I really don't care. The cat is out of the bag.
He's never mathematically proven that he was, so he's just a fraudster IMO. He'd had his chance in 2015 to prove who he was. I can't believe anyone would give this fraudster the time of day. Four years later and the industry is still talking about this fraud.
Have you mathematically proved who you are?
I am not claiming to be Satoshi he is.
I have a really hard time believing that Satoshi is a statist, which Craig Wright obviously is. He's stated that he doesn't approve of people using bitcoin to evade the legal system and wants censorable transactions. Most of what he says now goes completely against what Satoshi was saying on bitcointalk.org. So either he had a massive change of heart of he's lying. I think the evidence is prolific enough to suggest the latter.
I tend to agree, but 10% of all the tokens which the market has priced in as being "lost" suddenly hitting the open market could be quite disruptive. Based on his previous actions, he could do a lot of crazy things with those funds. I'm with you though. Tired of the games.
But one SHOULD care, bc a visionary leader is a great asset to quickening the pace of Bitcoin (SV) adoption. No one can market it better bc no one can explain Bitcoin better than Craig.
It's like saying no one should care if Steve Jobs dies or not. Apple is doing great without him, but maybe just maybe Apple would've died along with Steve if Steve died and didn't come back in 1998? Or maybe Apple would be doing better with him still at the controls.