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RE: War Criminal And International Terrorist, Henry Kissinger, Back In The Whitehouse as an 'Honoured' and 'Great Friend'.

in #news7 years ago

Imagine this... The last president of my country (Perú) is already in jail... with her wife. Before him, Alan Garcia was president and he is by far the most corrupted politician in the history of my country, he's been investigated tens of times but his mafia in the judiciary won't jail him. Before him was president Toledo, fugitive today living in the US, our justice system is trying to bring him back, without success. Oh yeah... Fujimori is in jail. Well, my point is, most of our leaders should be in jail for life!!


Some say the Gov. is some kind of macro product of the minds of the ruled...

I see great promise in blockchain and crypto currencies in this respect..

Gov will have to compete for revenue/taxes and Gov emps will become more like the custodial servants they were meant to be.

Blockchain technologies will increase Governing/Government (automatedgoverning functions) functions and efficiency greater than 3 orders of magnitude and reduce waste by 95%!