Lots of idiotic and reprehensible behaviour here. But my personal favourite is the person who apparently believes all references to slavery must necessarily refer to racially based slavery in the US and therefore denounced “[R]acist ass writers, like Amélie Wen Zhao, who literally take Black narratives and force it into Russia when that shit NEVER happened in history." He apparently never heard of Russia's centuries-long history of serfdom (the institution was only abolished in 1861), or the USSR's massive use of slave labour in more recent times.
While the main blame here falls on the Twitter mob, I also think Zhao made a mistake in withdrawing her book in response to these nitwits. Trolls from both the nationalist right and the SJW left behave horribly on Twitter. But giving in to their demands just encourages more such behaviour. We have to show them they can't intimidate us.
People may show up and say I can't possibly understand how painful it was for Zhao to go through this experience, and therefore am in no position to criticise her decision. Maybe so. I cannot know what it is like to be her.
But I will say, that receiving social media threats, particularly in response to my posts has never deterred me from continuing to post. I have even received death threats in the past over my views on immigration policy. I did not and will not let it stop me.
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The truth always has enemies who do anything to eliminate it. But they won't be able to because the truth has a special power that is hard to defeat.