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RE: Dtube - These TEN Things I Hold To Be TRUE - Allow Me To Explain!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

IMO, some of the issues you presented are sub-agendas of the over-arching globalists' NWO agenda. They are designed to conceal the truth, and manipulate and confuse the populace by creating fear (Islamophobia, false flag attacks, etc); divisiveness (racial, gender, religious persecution); and disinformation (oil companies pushing global warming is a hoax).

What's the truth? Global warming (climate change) and over-population are real and immediate existential threats to humankind. The over-population issue was never about space. There's more than enough space for everyone. The problem is that the production of all the goods and services for the population is using up the Earth's finite resources, destroying its biosphere, and causing climate change. The population is not sustainable at 7.5 billion, and it's going to be even less sustainable as it steadily increases. In order to be sustainable, the population needs to consume less or it needs to shrink or both.

The IPCC report may not be perfect; its most serious problem is that it's understated. The climate change situation is actually much more dire. The globalists have known this for many years and are planning the NWO and Agenda 21/30 in order to save their own hides and salvage enough of humanity to rebuild a sustainable civilization that they can rule over (think Hunger Games). The plan is to first depopulate the Earth through nuclear war/winter, followed by famine and man-made pandemics. The globalists have built underground bases where they can ride out the disaster for a few years.

If the globalists' plans do not materialize for whatever reason (Trump), the world will eventually go through a horrific climate catastrophe, which will also depopulate the planet, although probably not to the same degree, if that's any consolation. We will still experience wars over resources, civil strife, and massive famine, but spread out over a much longer time period. Actually, this process is already well underway.

Anyways, that's how I connect the dots. Either way, it doesn't look good for us. Let's face it, folks; we are just big lemmings.